Tag Archives: where have you been

New Shows on Mixcloud

We’ve uploaded three more pro­grammes to our “Lis­ten Again” facil­i­ty on Mix­cloud: Tarot @ Teatime Episode 32, on the Tarot de Mar­seille; Where Have You Been? Series 2, Episode 10: May The Art Be With You, and the sec­ond in our new series on the Musi­cal The­atre: The Mag­ic Of The Musi­cal: Show­boat.

New Shows on Mixcloud — Update!

We’ve uploaded three more pro­grammes to our “Lis­ten Again” facil­i­ty on Mix­cloud: Tarot @ Teatime Episode 31, on The Tech of Tarot; Where Have You Been? Series 2, Episode 9: Return to Svar­ga; and Episode 7 of The MOST.

New Shows on Mixcloud

We’ve uploaded two more pro­grammes to our “Lis­ten Again” facil­i­ty on Mix­cloud: Tarot @ Teatime Episode 30, on 3‑card spreads and Lay­er­ing; and Where Have You Been? Series 2, Episode 8: Seren­i­ty Val­ley.

New Shows on Mixcloud

We’ve uploaded two more pro­grammes to our “Lis­ten Again” facil­i­ty on Mix­cloud: Tarot @ Teatime Episode 29, on 1, 2 and 3‑card read­ings; and Where Have You Been? Series 2, Episode 7: The Ribong Gallery Art­space.

New Shows on Mixcloud

We’ve uploaded two more pro­grammes to our “Lis­ten Again” facil­i­ty on Mix­cloud: Tarot @ Teatime Episode 27, on Car­toman­cy; and Where Have You Been? Series 2, Episode 5: The Decks.

Where Have You Been…? Jurassic Park! Tribute

In the lat­est episode of our orig­i­nal series, “Where Have You Been?”, where we sug­gest places to go and things to do around the Sec­ond Life Grid, we vis­it the Juras­sic Park Adven­ture, the lat­est expe­ri­ence from :oxy­gen, cre­at­ed by Jus­tice Vought. It’s a trib­ute expe­ri­ence with sev­er­al dif­fer­ent lev­els: there’s a cave of dinosaur fos­sils, plus heli­copter, Pter­a­n­odon and jeep rides, all high­ly excit­ing and immer­sive — and (espe­cial­ly at the “dan­ger­ous lev­el”) scary where traps await you! There are peace­ful veg­e­tar­i­an long-necks, but there are also Veloci­rap­tors — and of course, T. Rex! Fans of the movie series and thrill seek­ers alike might like to con­sid­er a vis­it to Juras­sic Park!

Juras­sic Park!
Own­er: :oxy­gen / Jus­tice Vought
Region: Riv­er (Mod­er­ate)

SLURL: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/River/35/234/2252

Date Night At The Decks

At 12 noon and 4pm Pacific/SLT — 8pm and mid­night in the UK, Wednes­days and Sat­ur­days, tune in to the lat­est episode of “Where Have You Been?”, our series on things to do and places to vis­it across the Sec­ond Life Grid.

“Where Have You Been?”: Duelling Museums!

The lat­est edi­tion of VCRa­dio’s orig­i­nal series on things to do and places to vis­it across the Sec­ond Life Grid, vis­its two muse­ums that offer sim­i­lar, and con­trast­ing con­tent for res­i­dents to enjoy.  The show pre­mieres on Feb­ru­ary 9th and airs at 12 noon and 4pm Pacific/SLT, that’s 8pm and mid­night in the UK. It’ll run on Wednes­days and Sat­ur­days at the same times for the next two weeks.

In this episode, #3 of our sec­ond sea­son, we dis­cuss two very dif­fer­ent museums .

New Shows on Mixcloud

We’ve uploaded three more pro­grammes to our “Lis­ten Again” facil­i­ty on Mix­cloud: Tarot @ Teatime Episode 24, com­plet­ing a review of the Major Arcana; and Where Have You Been? Series 2, Episode 2: The Janus Gal­leries; and Episode 4 of The MOST — Music from the Orig­i­nal Sound Track.

“Where Have You Been?” visits The Janus Galleries

The lat­est edi­tion of VCRa­dio’s orig­i­nal series on things to do and places to vis­it across the Sec­ond Life Grid, vis­its The Janus Gal­leries. The show pre­mieres on Jan­u­ary 26th and airs at 12 noon and 4pm Pacific/SLT, that’s 8pm and mid­night in the UK. It’ll run on Wednes­days and Sun­days at the same times for the next two weeks.