Monthly Archives: October 2021
Hallowe’en on Virtual Community Radio

Join us on Virtual Community Radio today — or visit Haunted Hollow on Chestnut Hills in Second Life — for some cool programming, “Live at The Hollow”.
At 1:30pm Pacific (8:30pm UK*), Seanchai Library presents a series of unexpurgated live stories from the Brothers Grimm — Grimm by name, Grimm by nature?
Then following on directly from the Grimm Tales, at approximately 3pm Pacific (10pm UK*), DJ Elrik Merlin presents around an hour of tunes for the season. They’re billed as “Melodies of Samhain”, but it will be rather broader than that!
And at noon and 4pm Pacific (7pm and 11pm in the UK*), tune in for the latest episode of our popular series, Tarot @ Teatime, where we look in detail and the first few cards in the Major Arcana.
*The hour has gone back in the UK and as a result they are only 7 hours ahead for this week, not 8.
TODAY on Virtual Community Radio: Friday Specials!

The Fourth Tower of Inverness continues… Week 6

Jack Flanders finally enters the Fourth Tower!
TODAY on Virtual Community Radio — Friday, October 29th.
The Fourth Tower of Inverness continues with Week 6 of this exciting mystery adventure.
Airs just after the hour at Noon and 4pm SLT/Pacific Time / 8pm and midnight in the UK.
The 4pm broadcast will be bracketed with live programming from Caledonia Skytower to accompany Live Trick Or Treat at Haunted Hollow.

The Fourth Tower of Inverness is a 1972 radio drama, produced by the ZBS Foundation. It is the first of the Jack Flanders adventure series, and combines elements of Americana and Old-time radio, with metaphysical concepts such as past life regression, Sufi wisdom, Tibetan Buddhism and shamanistic communication with the natural world.
Tarot @ Teatime — Second Live Show Today!

Join us today, Friday, October 29th, at Haunted Hollow, Chestnut Hills in Second Life at 3pm Pacific/SLT — 11pm UK time — for a second LIVE edition of our popular original series on the Tarot, Tarot @ Teatime.
In this show, Willow Moonfire and Honey Heart will talk about cards in the Tarot that offer us a gateway from where we are now to somewhere new… perhaps a place we’d like to be.
They’ll also discuss cards that depict a transition from one way of perceiving our world and our experiences to another; a change in consciousness; a realization.
Join Honey and Willow in the ground floor of the Magick Shoppe off the square in Haunted Hollow, on the Chestnut Hills region of Second Life — or tune in to Virtual Community Radio!
Tarot @ Teatime, Episode 18: The Major Arcana Part 1

It’s Thursday, October 28th and time for another new episode in our popular original series, “Tarot @ Tea Time”. Tune in at 12 noon or 4pm Pacific/Second Life Time — 8pm or midnight in the UK.
In this episode, Honey and Willow discuss the history, imagery, and possible interpretations of the first six cards of the Major Arcana. 0 The Fool, I The Magician, II The High Priestess, III The Empress, IV The Emperor, and V The Hierophant.
Hits In Hi-Fi

Today — Wednesday 27th October — we’ll take a nostalgic journey back to the 1950s and 1960s and beyond, when music was on vinyl (don’t touch the playing surface!) and home audio was new and excitingly futuristic… with Hits In Hi-Fi.
In the early days of stereo, a significant number of albums were released that were designed especially to show off the wonders of this new way of presenting musical entertainment. Sounds “ping-ponged” across the stereo soundstage; instruments appeared hard on one side and then hard on the other… and there were a lot of space references, bloops and bleeps starting and ending the pieces — and once the Moog Synthesiser became available, that was included in the mix too.
“Where Have You Been?” Episode 19: Día de los Muertos (Day of the Dead)

Premiering on Wednesday, October 27th, at 12 noon and 4pm Pacific/SLT, 8pm and midnight in the UK, Episode 19 of our Second Life travel show features Día de los Muertos - presented by Instituto Español SL.
From Instituto Español SL: Día de Muertos 2021 is a 100% Mexican location that seeks to show one of the most beautiful and important cultural traditions of that country. Once a year Mexicans have the opportunity to share and celebrate with loved ones who have already passed on in a festive way; with respect, flavor, color, music and tradition.
Visitors are welcome to participate in the Day of the Dead ofrendas or altars. To do so, they can send full permission images of their loved ones to Malu Zhao.
- Monday to Friday : weekly Radio Spanish Speak programs at Cantina El Borracho.
- Saturday, October 30 @ 7pm SLT “Fiesta de Catrinas y Catrines” in the Subway room, inside the Mine.
- Tuesday, November 2 from 11 am — 10 pm SLT musical, cultural and dance events on the main stage of Day of the Dead: Dance Group, musical programs with Mexican music from Day of the Dead, Live singers, Reading of Mexican legends, Tales of terror, Callejoneada parade of Catrines and catrina, and a Mexican Film Show.
You can also connect with Instituto Español SL through Facebook.
- Dia de los Muertos (2013)
- Emily Wand — Sugar Skulls | History And Meaning | Day Of The Dead (2021)
Join Us for Hallowe’en Week

It’s a busy week this week in the run-up to, and Hallowe’en itself — do join us for these on-air events, and join us in Second Life if you can for the in-world activities.
October 26 — November 1
Some events will be broadcast live from Haunted Hollow (marked “*Live from/at Haunted Hollow”)
- Wednesday, October 27th, Saturday, October 30th at Noon & 4pm slt/pacific — Episode 19 “Where Have You Been?” visits Dia de los Muertos *NEW*
- Thursday, October 28th & Sunday, October 31st at Noon & 4pm slt/pacific — Episode 18 of “Tarot @ Tea Time” — Willow and Honey discuss Major Arcana cards Zero — Five *NEW*
Friday, October 29th
~ at 11am to 1pm SLT/Pacific — Freebird TRICK OR TREAT, * Live at Haunted Hollow with Caledonia Skytower
~ at Noon & 4pm SLT/Pacific — “The Fourth Tower of Inverness” Continues: Week 6
~ at 3pm to 4pm SLT/Pacific — TAROT @ TEATIME , *Live at Haunted Hollow.- Sunday, October 31st: NOTE that the UK returns to GMT today, so for the next week, UK Time is 7 hours later than Pacific, not 8.
~ at 1:30pm SLT/Pacific — A GRIMM BROTHERS HALLOWEEN featuring Corwyn Allen, Da5id Abbott, Gloriana Maertens, Elrik Merlin, Kayden O’Connell, and Caledonia Skytower, *Live from Haunted Hollow.
~ at 3–4pm SLT/Pacific — MELODIES OF SAMHAIN with DJ Elrik Merlin *Live from Haunted Hollow. - Wednesday & Saturday — Featured Music
Stay Tuned!
The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde — Today!

Saturday, October 23rd: We are pleased, in conjunction with our friends and sponsors Seanchai Library, to present this full-cast production of Robert Louis Stevenson’s novella, The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde.
The production, adapted for radio by Caledonia Skytower and Da5id Abbot, will be broadcast in two parts run back-to-back on Saturday October 23rd, at 2pm Pacific/SLT, 10pm in the UK.
The cast features Caledonia Skytower, Corwyn Allen, Da5id Abbott, Elrik Merlin, Kayden O’Connell, Shandon Loring and V T Torvalar.
Feel free to join us at the Halloween Tree at Haunted Hollow, Chestnut Hills in Second Life, for a listening party.
Tarot @ Teatime — Live Today!

Join us on Friday, October 22nd, at Haunted Hollow, Chestnut Hills in Second Life at 11am Pacific/SLT — that’s 7pm in the UK — for a special live edition of our popular original series on the Tarot, Tarot @ Teatime.
The show will focus on the “Creepy” cards of the Tarot — the ones that make most people squirm with alarm when they are laid in a spread — and (hopefully) ameliorate their scary factor.
Join Honey Heart and Willow Moonfire in the ground floor of the Magickal Shoppe off the square in Haunted Hollow, on the Chestnut Hills region of Second Life.