Tune In!

There are sev­er­al ways to tune in to Vir­tu­al Com­mu­ni­ty Radio (VCRa­dio). Note that some, but not all, only work in the US, UK and Canada.

We now have two streams, 128kbps mp3 and the new 64kbps AAC stream. Read about the AAC stream here.

You can lis­ten direct from this web site by using the play­er above or in the right sidebar.

You can launch a play­er with this URL: http://player.live365.com/a93871 — but note that this will only work in the US, Cana­da and the UK.

You can now access Vir­tu­al Com­mu­ni­ty Radio sim­ply and quick­ly on your Alexa or com­pat­i­ble cloud-based smart speak­er. Just enable the skill (and you may not even have to do that) and you’re one step away from being tuned in! Just say, “Alexa, Play Vir­tu­al Com­mu­ni­ty Radio”! If you need to enable the Skill, say “Alexa, enable skill” and then answer “Vir­tu­al Com­mu­ni­ty Radio” when asked for the name of the Skill.

You can also use these lis­ten links:

If you want to set VCRa­dio as the par­cel audio on land in a vir­tu­al world, use this URL:
http://main.vcradio.org  and put it into the par­cel or region music slot, typ­i­cal­ly in World > About Land > Sound > Music URL

There is a short cut if you’re run­ning Firestorm. If you have per­mis­sions to change the land music URL then type in local chat: /music http://main.vcradio.org and it will switch.

You can also use the same http://main.vcradio.org URL as follows:

  • Plug it into a sup­port­ed web brows­er, which will play the stream imme­di­ate­ly (try click­ing the link above for example)
  • Plug it into a net­work play­er like VLC or WinAmp

If this URL does not work for you, try http://streaming.live365.com/a93871 

If your brows­er or device requires it, the secure ver­sion of this will also work: https://streaming.live365.com/a93871

In addi­tion, in Sec­ond Life we have addi­tion­al tools includ­ing a HUD which will tune your brows­er to the sta­tion and a free radio that will auto­mat­i­cal­ly set the Music URL above to VCRa­dio — vis­it the VCRa­dio The­atre,  our HQ, on the Not­thund region to get them.

Now avail­able in AAC!

We now stream in AAC as well as mp3. mp3 is need­ed for Sec­ond Life, but AAC oper­ates at 64kbps where­as the mp3 stream is at 128kbps, while pro­vid­ing at least the same lev­el of qual­i­ty — so the AAC stream is great if you’re on a phone with a data cap or a low-band­width con­nec­tion. Learn more about our AAC stream here.

And final­ly, you can Get the App! our cus­tom App, avail­able for iOS and Android.