Where Have You Been? S04E14: MadPea Unlimited

We’re pleased to present the final episode in the fourth sea­son of our orig­i­nal series, “Where Have You Been?”, where we dis­cuss things to do and places to vis­it across the Sec­ond Life Grid.

Episodes are broad­cast on Wednes­days and Sat­ur­days at 12 noon and 4pm SLT/Pacific Time.

This time we look at an amaz­ing deal that gives SL res­i­dents six-month priv­i­leged free access to a wealth of games and expe­ri­ences — at “Mad­Pea Unlim­it­ed”.

Lin­den Lab has announced a part­ner­ship between Sec­ond Life and Mad­Pea Pro­duc­tions — well known for their pop­u­lar sea­son­al hunts, in-world game expe­ri­ences, and orig­i­nal con­tent avail­able through their store. To quote from the release, “Get ready, Sec­ond Life res­i­dents – we have a hol­i­day treat just for you! … six FREE months of Mad­Pea Unlim­it­ed – Mad­Pea Pro­duc­tions’ exclu­sive sub­scrip­tion ser­vice packed with immer­sive games, excit­ing hunts, lim­it­ed-edi­tion col­lectibles, and more. A val­ue of L$12,000 – yours at no cost. No strings, no catch. Just end­less fun and adventure.”

The pack­age includes a Week­ly Drop, Lim­it­ed Edi­tion Col­lectibles, and Free Access to a Sea­son­al Hunt, Games and Expe­ri­ences. All the col­lat­er­al infor­ma­tion on the indi­vid­ual gam­ing expe­ri­ences is very clear and com­pre­hen­sive, and real­ly easy to inter­pret. There are con­tent rat­ings such as “Every­Pea” and “”Mature” to help res­i­dents deter­mine if the con­tent of a par­tic­u­lar expe­ri­ence is for them. There are links to You Tube video trail­ers as well to illus­trate the feel and tone of the par­tic­u­lar expe­ri­ence, and a scale that rates the degree of chal­lenge from one to five .

This show will be broad­cast at 12 noon and 4pm SLT/Pacific on Wednes­days and Sat­ur­days until the end of the month. Where Have You Been will then be on hia­tus dur­ing Feb­ru­ary and March and dur­ing that peri­od we wil re-run Sea­son Four episodes that cov­er sub­jects that are still available.

S04E14 – Mad­Pea Unlimited

Region: Mad­Pea Unlim­it­ed– Moderate
