Monthly Archives: June 2024

Where Have You Been? — Live at SL21B

On Wednes­day 26th June, we broad­cast the first of two spe­cial live edi­tions of our orig­i­nal series, “Where Have You Been?”, which fea­tures things to do and places to vis­it around the Sec­ond Life Grid.

This show will be repeat­ed on Wednes­days and Sat­ur­days at 12 noon and 4pm SLT/Pacific Time until our sec­ond and final live show from SL21B on Wednes­day 10th July.

One of our favourite things about the Com­mu­ni­ty Show­case is how clear­ly it dis­plays the wide vari­ety of com­mu­ni­ties that thrive in Sec­ond Life. On six­teen gen­er­al show­case regions you can find seem­ing­ly end­less types of com­mu­ni­ties and res­i­dent activ­i­ties from art, to edu­ca­tion, role-play, and all sorts of com­mu­ni­ties that form around shared inter­ests. With this year’s cel­e­bra­tion theme of “The Ele­ments” the com­mu­ni­ty show­case is a great place to see so much of what Sec­ond Life is real­ly all about.

So, what’s the best way to see it all?  Well, to begin with you prob­a­bly won’t be able to see it all. Though with SLB stay­ing open for a month this year, chances are you can see much more of it, and attend many more events than in past years. But there is real­ly no per­fect way to explore the Show­case except to just get out there and do it.

SL21B Com­mu­ni­ty Show­case – Full Exhib­it List

In this episode we fea­ture some exhibits in the south­ern por­tion of the show­case con­ti­nent that fea­ture blends of art and sci­ence. We’ll be doing a sec­ond live show on July 10th, at the VCRa­dio show­case exhib­it where we’ll be fea­tur­ing a whole dif­fer­ent set of show­case des­ti­na­tions, from dif­fer­ent areas of the continent.

The places dis­cussed in this episode include:


Vir­tu­al Com­mu­ni­ty Radio – Ele­ments of Music

Saudade by Raven­starr Fairelander

Inspire Space Park – an SL classic!

The Inter­na­tion­al Space­flight Muse­um – Kat Lemieux

Hap­py Birth­day to SL from Chem­istry World

The Peri­od­ic Ele­ments ~ SLRan­dom ArtCrew

VCRadio at SL21B

We’re pleased to let you know that Vir­tu­al Com­mu­ni­ty Radio is exhibit­ing at the Sec­ond Life 21st Birth­day cel­e­bra­tions and broad­cast­ing live! You can find our exhib­it — “The Ele­ments of Music” on  SLB 20Marvelous.

The theme this year is The Ele­ments, and the VCRa­dio exhib­it fea­tures Air, Earth, Fire and Water com­ing togeth­er to bring music, ana­logue (rep­re­sent­ed by a vinyl disc) and dig­i­tal (cycling bina­ry dig­its on the faces of the ele­men­tal sym­bols), to our ears.

The four aspects of the exhib­it high­light four dif­fer­ent areas of our pro­gram­ming, includ­ing “Tarot @ Teatime”, “The Mag­ic of The Musi­cal” and “Where Have You Been?”

Catch the fly­ing note and soar to the exhibit’s high­est point for a great view!

Tune in: the stream is play­ing on the booth or you can plug into a net­work play­er. Or vis­it the web site and get the App!

Join us live for spe­cial pro­gram­ming includ­ing a live edi­tion of “Where Have You Been?” at 1pm SLT/Pacific on Wednes­day June 26th.

Solar Music

The time is around the time of the Sum­mer Sol­stice, where at sun­rise, the sun shines deep into the mon­u­ment of Stonehenge.

The Sum­mer Sol­stice is one of the spe­cial days in the Celtic cal­en­dar. At Stone­henge, the sun ris­es over the Heel Stone. In the North­ern Hemi­sphere, the days are long and the nights are short. Today we’re fea­tur­ing music with a solar con­nec­tion, cross­ing many genres.

In addi­tion, tune in at 12 noon or 4pm SLT/Pacific Time for the lat­est episode of our orig­i­nal series, “Where Have You Been”. And you can catch an edi­tion of “The Engines of Our Inge­nu­ity” from the Uni­ver­si­ty of Hous­ton every four hours from 4am Pacific.

Image: “File:Stonehenge Sum­mer Sol­stice eve 02.jpg” is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0.

Music for Bloomsday

Yes, we are a cou­ple of days late — but here we are with some Music for Blooms­day: the anniver­sary of June 16, 1904 when the events of Ulysses, the best-known work by the Irish lit­er­ary giant James Joyce, would have tak­en place in Dublin and environs.

The cel­e­bra­tion — which in mod­ern times includes a great many events in and around Dublin and else­where in the world — was orig­i­nal­ly estab­lished in 1954 on the 50th anniversary.

To cel­e­brate Blooms­day we’re pre­sent­ing a pro­gramme of Irish music, tra­di­tion­al and mod­ern; we will also be play­ing no less than three musi­cal set­tings of some of James Joyce’s first pub­lished poet­ry: Cham­ber Music of 1907. You’ll hear the piano and tenor voice inter­pre­ta­tions of Alfred and Marc Heller, the San Fran­cis­co Sym­pho­ny Cho­rus under Marc Shapiro, and a com­plete series of set­tings of all 36 poems, by some of today’s top alter­na­tive artists. You may hear some sur­pris­es today.

Main image: “JAMES JOYCE [ST. STEPHEN’S GREEN] REF-1085620″ by info­ma­tique is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0.
Sec­ondary Image: Pub­lic Domain,

Jack Flanders in Dreams of Tiffany Blue

Tune in on Fri­day for the lat­est episode of our excit­ing 12-part radio ser­i­al from our friends at ZBS Foun­da­tion: “Dreams of Tiffany Blue” - at noon or 4pm Pacific/SLT every Fri­day! In which Jack encoun­ters a shape-shifter…

Now read on…

Where Have You Been? S04E03: JudiLynn India

Wel­come to the third episode in a new sea­son of “Where Have You Been?”,  our series broad­cast on Wednes­days and Sat­ur­days at 12 noon and 4pm SLT, where we high­light places to go and things to do around the Sec­ond Life Grid.

It’s a busy time in SL, with major events rang­ing from the Sec­ond Life Birth­day cel­e­bra­tions, Relay for Life week­end, and more, mak­ing it hard­er to find the small­er, less-well-known peo­ple and events to cov­er. But Cale­do­nia was just com­pil­ing a list of open­ing and clos­ing dates for things when a notice waft­ed across her desk with the per­fect fea­ture — some­thing so com­pelling and strong that it could total­ly with­stand the impend­ing buf­fet­ing of these huge events.

On May 30th the Kon­dor Art Club opened an exhi­bi­tion enti­tled “Mes­sages” by artist Judi­Lynn India.  It’s open the entire month of June and it is real­ly stun­ning. Her use of col­or is dis­tinct and vibrant, her use of con­trast and line is bold — always, and her use of tex­ture and lay­ers is absolute­ly superb.

Judi­Lynn India has been work­ing in Sec­ond Life since 2009. Her mis­sion is to share her vision and mes­sage as an artist with the glob­al com­mu­ni­ty. She says, “My work embod­ies my spir­it and per­son­al­i­ty. My goal is to allow you to expe­ri­ence the image with your mind’s eye and allow it to affect you organ­i­cal­ly.  I gen­er­al­ly work intu­itive­ly, get­ting lost in the lay­er­ing of tex­ture and color.”

To learn more, tune in for “Where Have You Been?” on Wednes­days or Sat­ur­days at 12 noon or 4pm SLT/Pacific Time.

Own­er – Kon­dor Art Club — Her­mes Kondor
Roy­al Tea – Adult


Face­book: as Judi­Lynn India

Cen­ter Ground Gallery of Art (Han Loso — Moderate)