Monthly Archives: January 2021

Join us today for a programme of piano music — mainly classical but not entirely.
In addition to some amazing piano concertos and other classical works, we’ll also be playing pieces like the “Denham Concertos” — pieces written to capitalise on the success of Richard Addinsell’s Warsaw Concerto from the film Dangerous Moonlight (the film-makers asked Rachmaninov to write a piece but he declined). These include Clive Richardson’s London Fantasia, originally to be titled Coventry Fantasia after the Midland city severely damaged in the Blitz of November 1940, but his publishers told him that London would sell better. This tremendous work musically traces a day in the life of a city at war.
There are other piano pieces from the movies too, but in addition there’s light music, solo and orchestral works, music-hall pieces arranged for piano, and much more. Do tune in!
Image: “piano keys” by mararie licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0
Genre Day: British Composers

It’s the middle of Winter here in the UK but hopefully you’re able to keep warm inside — and listen to today’s programme, which features music from British composers old and new. Edward German, Richard Harvey, Gerald Finzi, Sir Arthur Bliss, Jon Lord, Christopher Gunning, Vaughan Williams and many more.
Image, “Midwinter” by Lord Skully is licensed under CC BY-ND 2.0
Saturday At The Movies

Stuck at home like everyone? Pouring with rain or snow outside at the same time? Tune in to Virtual Community Radio for Saturday At The Movies, one of our collections of Genre Days, each featuring a different genre of music.
Movies are where most people today hear orchestral music, and there will be plenty of that today. But movie music is a much broader field than that, and today you’ll hear music from the movies of many different kinds, from the very start of the genre (with Camille Saint-Saens) to the latest blockbusters; from orchestral music to rock, to Fifties songs. There is a slight bias towards fantasy and SF movies, but never mind, we all need a bit of an escape these days.…
So… Grab the popcorn and settle down in front of the speakers in the best seat in the house — your own.
Photo by Krists Luhaers on Unsplash
Genre Day: Light Classical

Today on VCR, we’re pleased to present a programme of light classical music, in our first live playout broadcast.
The programme features a wide range of both artists and composers, some well-known and some, perhaps, who are seldom heard of. Listen out for the likes of Tomlinson, Ketelbey, Alwyn, Gunning and Addinsell, for example, to name but a few, and enjoy a day of tuneful, often relaxing orchestral music.
Photo: The Jalisco Philharmonic Orchestra, by
Building a Virtual Home

We are currently in the process of building a headquarters location in Second Life as a base for our operations in-world. The “VCR Theatre” is being brought together by Honey Heart and will be completed soon.
It takes the form of an Art Deco theatre, with a stage, seating that can be overlaid for dancing, and a broadcast studio. In addition it will house administrative functions like the devices that will handle sponsorship payments and renewals to make that operation as smooth as possible.
We are also intending to hold live readings and other performances as well as dances and other activities in the auditorium. Here are a few pictures — though bear in mind that the build is not yet finished.
Coming Soon: The Black Mass

Coming shortly to Virtual Community Radio is the landmark radio drama series The Black Mass, created at the Pacifica radio station KPFA in Berkeley, CA, over fifty years ago. In 30 chilling tales of mystery, imagination and the human mind, The Black Mass brings you some of literature’s most haunting stories, by masters of the craft.
Realised with the minimum of audio equipment, the performances were quite remarkable and trod ground seldom covered by radio drama before — or since. Watch this space for details on when the shows will air. There are 30 episodes of up to 30 minutes each, and each weekly episode will be broadcast twice on the same day, once for UK/European listeners and the other for those in North America.