Friends & Patrons

Unlike quite a few inter­net radio sta­tions, we want to see artists get prop­er­ly recog­nised finan­cial­ly for their work, and as a result we pay for licens­es to play music to our lis­ten­ers. We do this par­tial­ly through our stream­ing provider, Live365, but we also pay for some addi­tion­al licens­es that give us addi­tion­al cov­er­age — for exam­ple allow­ing us to use pro­duc­tion music library mate­r­i­al for music to use in pro­mos, idents and orig­i­nal pro­gram­ming. In addi­tion we pro­vide a “lis­ten again” facil­i­ty through Mix­cloud, giv­ing lis­ten­ers a chance to catch pro­grammes they missed. And this all costs money.

Vir­tu­al Com­mu­ni­ty Radio is part­ly fund­ed by our spon­sors - but it’s also fund­ed by lis­ten­ers like you. If you enjoy the pro­gram­ming you hear on Vir­tu­al Com­mu­ni­ty Radio, but you’re not a busi­ness for whom Spon­sor­ship would be appro­pri­ate, why not become a Friend or Patron of the sta­tion? As a Friend or Patron of Vir­tu­al Com­mu­ni­ty Radio, you’ll receive our thanks, of course, and also a spe­cial  Newslet­ter that gives you advance notice of upcom­ing pro­gram­ming and oth­er use­ful pieces of infor­ma­tion — and occa­sion­al perks.

A Patron of VCRa­dio is some­one who sup­ports us with a reg­u­lar, month­ly dona­tion of 2000 Lin­dens or more. You’ll receive a reminder every month and we hope you will be moved to renew.

You can become a Friend of VCRa­dio  just for the cur­rent month by mak­ing a sin­gle dona­tion of 2000 Lin­dens or more.

If you’re in Sec­ond Life you can become a Friend or Patron by vis­it­ing the VCRa­dio Head­quar­ters on the Not­thund region. You’ll find spe­cial Friends and Patrons pan­els that will accept dona­tions from L$2,000 or more.

You don’t even have to do any­thing as for­mal as becom­ing a Friend or Patron. If you’re at a VCRa­dio event, we usu­al­ly have a tip jar avail­able (it looks like a vin­tage radio, and there is one in the lob­by of the VCRa­dio HQ). If you like what you’re hear­ing, sim­ply pop a dona­tion in there.

You can also make a dona­tion direct­ly from this page using the but­ton below, using a cred­it card or Pay­Pal account. You can sign up for a reg­u­lar sub­scrip­tion ($6.25US/month or more) or  donate $6.25 or more just for the cur­rent month, using the but­ton — or any oth­er amount you choose.*

Please support us with a donation

Thank you for your sup­port, which helps us both to stay on the air —  by help­ing to cov­er our stream­ing host­ing costs and music copy­right licens­es — and to devel­op new and inno­v­a­tive programming.

*Note: funds will be han­dled by Brideswell Associates.