New Shows on Mixcloud

We’ve uploaded three more pro­grammes to our “Lis­ten Again” facil­i­ty on Mix­cloud: Tarot @ Teatime Episode 32, on the Tarot de Mar­seille; Where Have You Been? Series 2, Episode 10: May The Art Be With You, and the sec­ond in our new series on the Musi­cal The­atre: The Mag­ic Of The Musi­cal: Show­boat.

The Mag­ic of The Musi­cal: Showboat

In this sec­ond episode we “Begin at the Begin­ning” — going back to 1927 and the musi­cal that fans, artists and schol­ars point to as the offi­cial birth of the Amer­i­can Musi­cal The­ater as we know it. Join Cale­do­nia Sky­tow­er as we explore Jerome Kern & Oscar Ham­mer­stein II’s land­mark “Show Boat”, which pre­miered on Broad­way at the Ziegfeld The­ater on Decem­ber 27th, 1927.

Under­stand­ing Show Boat is fun­da­men­tal to under­stand­ing both the work of Oscar Ham­mer­stein and the ori­gins of the “musi­cal play” that has evolved into the musi­cal that we rec­og­nize today. With­out Show Boat, none of the rest of it is pos­si­ble or makes sense.

Tarot @ Teatime Episode 32: The Tarot de Marseille

While the Rid­er-Waite-Smith deck is the most pop­u­lar today, there is an old­er style of deck that orig­i­nat­ed in Renais­sance Italy. It was lat­er brought to France and is known as the “Tarot de Mar­seille” or “TdM.” Its imagery and inter­pre­ta­tion dif­fer sig­nif­i­cant­ly from mod­ern decks.

Where Have You Been? Episode S02E10: May The Art Be With You

In Series 2, Episode 10, we take a look at a new art exhib­it cel­e­brat­ing the Star Wars galaxy, at Elven Falls Art Collective.

The Gallery is man­aged by Aries Hax, and Curat­ed by Antoine Mam­bazo. Their spaces con­sist of four dou­ble floored gal­leries, six small­er sin­gle sto­ry gal­leries, the left bank open air exhibits, plus a sculp­ture park which is also avail­able to exhib­it larg­er works. They’ve opened a spe­cial exhi­bi­tion of the work of five artists pre­pared and pre­sent­ed with a Star Wars twist.

For May The Art Be With You they have ded­i­cat­ed the dou­ble floored gal­leries to fea­ture the work of five artists. The art, while not spe­cif­ic to a galaxy far, far away … does have the appro­pri­ate vibe for cel­e­brat­ing the Sci-Fi-Fan­ta­sy phe­nom­e­non. Artists fea­tured are Aman­daT Tamatzui, Pagan Lane, Kraven Klees, Mil­ly Shap­le, and Fawn Vought — all famil­iar names in the SL art world.

Check out our past pro­gram­ming on Mix­cloud.