Monthly Archives: December 2021

Our Anniversary Weekend Starts Here!

Fri­day, Decem­ber 31st, marks the start of our First Anniver­sary Week­end — yes, Vir­tu­al Com­mu­ni­ty Radio real­ly has been broad­cast­ing for an entire year! We kick off the week­end with two spe­cial programmes.

Cale­do­nia Sky­tow­er spins the discs for a spe­cial swing par­ty, live from the plaza out­side the Vir­tu­al Com­mu­ni­ty Radio The­atre in Chest­nut Hills in Sec­ond Life. Be there in per­son or tune in to Vir­tu­al Com­mu­ni­ty Radio and lis­ten live: 3–5pm Pacific/SLT, 11pm-1am in the UK.

At Noon and 5pm Pacific/SLT — 8pm and 1am in the UK — tune in for a spe­cial inter­view with Susan­nah, the host of The MOST — Music from the Orig­i­nal Sound Track, her month­ly pro­gramme of film and TV movie music that goes out on the first Sat­ur­day in the month — in this case, tomor­row, Jan­u­ary 1st.

*Fea­tured image: iStock.

Music of Scotland

As Hog­manay approach­es, today on Vir­tu­al Com­mu­ni­ty Radio — Weds Decem­ber 29th — we are fea­tur­ing the music of Scot­land: from tra­di­tion­al pipers and Scot­tish Coun­try Dance bands to mod­ern pop­u­lar music from some of the nation’s lead­ing artistes.

“Where Have You Been” is cur­rent­ly on hia­tus until Jan­u­ary 5th, but you can catch “Engines of Our Inge­nu­ity” every four hours from 4am Pacif­ic Time.

“The Piper” — shot aside the A82 by dig­i­cla — is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0

Programmes & Events for Anniversary Weekend

New Year sees the First Anniver­sary of Vir­tu­al Com­mu­ni­ty Radio and we’re hold­ing a num­ber of spe­cial broad­casts and Sec­ond Life events to cel­e­brate it over the New Year’s week­end. They range from a spe­cial inter­view with Susan­nah, the host of The MOST on the 31st to a Grand Vien­nese Anniver­sary Ball on the 2nd January.

New shows on Mixcloud

We’ve uploaded two more shows to our “Lis­ten Again” facil­i­ty on Mixcloud:

A spe­cial pre­sen­ta­tion of Charles Dick­ens’ clas­sic sto­ry, “A Christ­mas Car­ol” — the time­less tale of one man’s jour­ney from miser­ly indif­fer­ence to redemption.

Through the inter­ces­sion of the ghost of his sev­en-years-dead part­ner, Ebenez­er Scrooge jour­neys through time — and Christ­mas — with three Spir­its; observ­ing the caus­es, and effects, that his life choic­es have made — and will make, unless he changes his ways.

The sto­ry was adapt­ed for radio by Cale­do­nia Sky­tow­er, based on the spe­cial abridged ver­sion that Dick­ens him­self used for his pub­lic per­for­mances of the work. Our pre­sen­ta­tion of “A Christ­mas Car­ol” is per­formed by Shan­don Lor­ing, Elrik Mer­lin, and Cale­do­nia Sky­tow­er with music by Paul Mot­tram. The pro­gramme is a CEH production.

Tarot @ Teatime” Episode 21: In this Episode Hon­ey and Wil­low dis­cuss some of the plants that are part of the imagery of the Rid­er Waite Smith Tarot deck, and explore their sym­bol­ic mean­ing and how they enhance the cards on which they appear.

Check out our past pro­gram­ming on Mix­cloud.

Merry Christmas from VCRadio

We would like to wish all our lis­ten­ers, spon­sors, sup­port­ers, friends and col­leagues a very Mer­ry Christ­mas and a safe, healthy and hap­py New Year.

Tune in today, Christ­mas Day, for a selec­tion of sea­son­al music across a vari­ety of genres.

We present: A Christmas Carol

Tune in to Vir­tu­al Com­mu­ni­ty Radio today, Fri­day 24th Decem­ber — Christ­mas Eve — at noon or 4pm Pacific/SLT, 8pm or mid­night UK time, for a spe­cial pre­sen­ta­tion of Charles Dick­ens’ clas­sic sto­ry, “A Christ­mas Car­ol” — the time­less tale of one man’s jour­ney from miser­ly indif­fer­ence to redemption.

Through the inter­ces­sion of the ghost of his sev­en-years-dead part­ner, Ebenez­er Scrooge jour­neys through time — and Christ­mas — with three Spir­its; observ­ing the caus­es, and effects, that his life choic­es have made — and will make, unless he changes his ways.

Our pre­sen­ta­tion will be broad­cast twice on Christ­mas Eve, the very day of the year when the sto­ry begins, at Noon and 4pm Pacific/SLT, 8pm or mid­night in the UK. The sto­ry was adapt­ed for radio by Cale­do­nia Sky­tow­er, based on the spe­cial abridged ver­sion that Dick­ens him­self used for his pub­lic per­for­mances of the work.

“A Christ­mas Car­ol. In Prose. Being a Ghost Sto­ry of Christ­mas”, com­mon­ly known as “A Christ­mas Car­ol”, was first pub­lished in Lon­don by Chap­man & Hall on Decem­ber 19, 1843 and illus­trat­ed by John Leech. Charles Dick­ens arguably set the orig­i­nal prece­dent for the mod­ern tra­di­tion of ghost sto­ries at Christ­mas with “A Christ­mas Car­ol” and he wrote oth­er, lat­er ghost sto­ries that were pub­lished for the Christ­mas peri­od, notably “The Sig­nal-Man” in 1866.

Our pre­sen­ta­tion of “A Christ­mas Car­ol” is per­formed by Shan­don Lor­ing, Elrik Mer­lin, and Cale­do­nia Sky­tow­er with music by Paul Mot­tram. The pro­gramme is a CEH production.

In addi­tion to A Christ­mas Car­ol, we will be play­ing sea­son­al music all day.

Tarot @ Teatime Episode 22: More on the Major Arcana

We’re pleased to release the lat­est episode of our pop­u­lar orig­i­nal series on the Tarot: “Tarot @ Teatime”, on the air Thurs­days and Sun­days at noon and 4pm Pacif­ic Time/SLT, 8pm and mid­night in the UK.

Episode 22
In this episode Hon­ey and Wil­low take a jour­ney through more of the Major Arcana and dis­cuss the his­to­ry and sig­nif­i­cance of cards XII The Hanged Man, XIII Death, XIV Tem­per­ance, XV The Dev­il, and XVI The Tower.

Sources men­tioned:

Smith-Waite Tarot Deck Cen­ten­ni­al Edition

Arthur Edward Waite, The Pic­to­r­i­al Key to the Tarot. ISBN 978–0‑91386–608‑5. Avail­able from US Games Sys­tems, Inc. and book sell­ers everywhere.

Caitlin Matthews, Untold Tarot: The lost Art of Read­ing Ancient Tarots, Shif­fer Books (2018), ISBN 978–0‑7643–5561‑5

The Druid­craft Tarot, Philip and Stephanie Carr-Gomm (Authors), Will Wor­thing­ton (Illus­tra­tor), St. Martin’s Press, Revised edi­tion (March 2019), ISBN 10: 1250307422

The Wild­wood Tarot, Mark Ryan (Author), John Matthews (Author), Will Wor­thing­ton (Illus­tra­tor), Ster­ling Ethos (June 2011), ISBN-10: 1402781067

Missed any episodes? Catch them on our Mix­Cloud feed!


A Celtic Christmas

Yes­ter­day, Decem­ber 21st, saw the Win­ter Sol­stice in the North­ern Hemi­sphere —  the day with the short­est peri­od of day­light and longest night of the year, when the Sun is at its low­est dai­ly max­i­mum ele­va­tion in the sky.

Since pre­his­to­ry, the win­ter sol­stice has been a sig­nif­i­cant time of year in many cul­tures, and has been marked by fes­ti­vals and rit­u­als. It marked the sym­bol­ic death and rebirth of the Sun; the grad­ual wan­ing of day­light hours is reversed and begins to grow again. Some ancient mon­u­ments such as New­grange and Stone­henge are aligned with the sun­rise or sun­set on the win­ter solstice.

Today on Vir­tu­al Com­mu­ni­ty Radio, we present a pro­gramme of Celtic and Celtic-influ­enced music, includ­ing tracks of a sea­son­al nature. Enjoy!

In addi­tion, there’s anoth­er chance to catch our sea­son­al edi­tion of “Where Have You Been?”, our orig­i­nal series cov­er­ing places to vis­it and things to do around the Sec­ond Life Grid. This time we vis­it the “Let It Snow!” region cre­at­ed by Mil­lie Sharple. More details can be found here. Tune in at noon or 4pm Pacific/SLT, 8pm or mid­night in the UK.

“Stand­ing Stones” by CZMJ is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0

What The Dickens? Two Takes on A Christmas Carol

Our friends at Sean­chai Library are well-known for their annu­al Dick­ens Project where they bring Vic­to­ri­an author Charles Dick­ens and his best-known work A Christ­mas Car­ol to life in Sec­ond Life.

It’s cur­rent­ly a fal­low year for the Project, but one of its cen­tral ele­ments — The Big Read, where a team of read­ers reads the entire book aloud from cov­er to cov­er — con­tin­ues undeterred.

The Big Read is today, Sun­day, Decem­ber 19th at Noon Pacific/SLT
and it will take place at Sean­chai Library’s spe­cial­ly-craft­ed Sean­chai Win­ter Hol­i­day des­ti­na­tion in Nowhere­ville in Sec­ond Life.

For the 14th year, Sean­chai Library presents the full-meal-deal of A Christ­mas Car­ol — all the words from begin­ning to end (approx 3.5 hours). Fea­tur­ing: David Abbott, Cor­wyn Allen, Aoife Lore­field, Glo­ri­ana Maertens, Dub­h­na Rhi­adra, and Cale­do­nia Sky­tow­er, live.

Light Music for the Season

Today we present a pro­gramme of Light and Light Clas­si­cal music, sea­soned with a few sea­son­al tunes to encour­age the Christ­mas spirit.

And at noon or 4pm Pacific/SLT, 8pm or mid­night in the UK, don’t miss anoth­er chance to hear the lat­est episode of our pop­u­lar orig­i­nal series, “Where Have You Been”, which this time vis­its the “Let It Snow!” region by Mil­ly Sharple, and also pro­vides infor­ma­tion on some oth­er sea­son­al places to vis­it: details here. Plus “Engines of Our Inge­nu­ity” from the Uni­ver­si­ty of Hous­ton, every four hours from 4am Pacific.

The main image is by John Win­sch and is dat­ed 1913 and appears with thanks cour­tesy of The Old Design Shop