Tarot @ Teatime Episode 22: More on the Major Arcana

We’re pleased to release the lat­est episode of our pop­u­lar orig­i­nal series on the Tarot: “Tarot @ Teatime”, on the air Thurs­days and Sun­days at noon and 4pm Pacif­ic Time/SLT, 8pm and mid­night in the UK.

Episode 22
In this episode Hon­ey and Wil­low take a jour­ney through more of the Major Arcana and dis­cuss the his­to­ry and sig­nif­i­cance of cards XII The Hanged Man, XIII Death, XIV Tem­per­ance, XV The Dev­il, and XVI The Tower.

Sources men­tioned:

Smith-Waite Tarot Deck Cen­ten­ni­al Edition

Arthur Edward Waite, The Pic­to­r­i­al Key to the Tarot. ISBN 978–0‑91386–608‑5. Avail­able from US Games Sys­tems, Inc. and book sell­ers everywhere.

Caitlin Matthews, Untold Tarot: The lost Art of Read­ing Ancient Tarots, Shif­fer Books (2018), ISBN 978–0‑7643–5561‑5

The Druid­craft Tarot, Philip and Stephanie Carr-Gomm (Authors), Will Wor­thing­ton (Illus­tra­tor), St. Martin’s Press, Revised edi­tion (March 2019), ISBN 10: 1250307422

The Wild­wood Tarot, Mark Ryan (Author), John Matthews (Author), Will Wor­thing­ton (Illus­tra­tor), Ster­ling Ethos (June 2011), ISBN-10: 1402781067

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