Where Have You Been? visits Let It Snow! — A Winter Wonderland

In Episode 22 of “Where Have You Been?” — the final episode of 2021 — we vis­it “Let It Snow!” — a beau­ti­ful win­ter region cre­at­ed by artist Mil­ly Sharple. Beau­ti­ful­ly detailed and laid out, there are a great many attrac­tions here. It’s described as “A snowy, win­ter set­ting for danc­ing and romanc­ing. Come and explore, dance, ice-skate, take pho­tographs, or just hang out.

The builds are rich­ly detailed: every­thing from the inte­ri­or of the major­i­ty of the hous­es, to a delight­ful cho­rus of owls on a fence, to snowy bun­nies play­ing on a walk.  Milly’s work nev­er falls into the sort of pre­dictable pat­terns that so many builds do.

Tune in to learn more: Wednes­day and Sat­ur­day, noon and 4pm Pacific/SLT, 8pm and mid­night in the UK.

Let it Snow!
Own­er: Mil­ly Sharple
Region: Tesoro (Mod­er­ate)


Also men­tioned in this Episode

Sec­ond Life Des­ti­na­tion Guide

Inspire Space Park Win­ter Won­der­land {M}

San­ta has come to a snowy Inspire Space Park this year! Bring your ice skates, and your Christ­mas wish list, and join in on the win­ter fun! Snow­ball fights are manda­to­ry! Win­ter in out­er space, a celes­tial event you can’t miss! Per­fect for roman­tic getaways.


Crisp Kringle {M}

A tiny Swedish Vil­lage of child­hood mem­o­ries, snow-cov­ered land­scape, warm Fika Shoppes, and the light sound of Rein­deer paws. Browse the vil­lage shoppes, pop into Joy’s Toys, meet in Mer­ry’s Mer­chan­tile, defrost in Kringle’s Cof­fee Shoppe, bob for eggnog, and cud­dle in cosy cab­ins galore! Don’t for­get to bring car­rots for San­ta’s Rein­deer. Crisp Kringle is a Frog­more Christ­mas Region and every­one is welcome!


Calas Galadhon’s A Christ­mas Wish {M}


The 11th Annu­al Christ­mas Expo {M}

Vis­it the 11th Annu­al SL Christ­mas Expo, held Decem­ber 3–14 in sup­port of the Amer­i­can Can­cer Soci­ety’s fight against child­hood can­cer. This 14 region shop­ping extrav­a­gan­za fea­tures 170+ Mer­chants, 3 Breed­able Regions, and many hol­i­day activ­i­ties includ­ing Twirl & Whirl Hunt, Lights of Hope Dec­o­ra­tion Con­test, 100+ hours of live enter­tain­ment, and more! Lin­den Lab will reveal the next edi­tion of the cov­et­ed Lin­den Home series at the Expo and pro­vide a Lim­it­ed Edi­tion Christ­mas item and spe­cial sur­pris­es. For more info, vis­it: slchristmasexpo.com


Lin­den Lab’s Win­ter Won­der­land {M}

Dis­cov­er an excit­ing snowy adven­ture in this win­ter attrac­tion by Lin­den Lab. Enjoy some hol­i­day gifts in the Vil­lage of Lights, then make your way to snow­board­ing, snow­mo­bil­ing, ice-skat­ing, or snow­ball fight­ing in the snow­ball fight are­na. If you’re in the mood for some­thing a bit qui­eter, take a breath-tak­ing trip on the Fer­ris Wheel and catch incred­i­ble views of the twin­kling lights and shim­mery snow.


Win­ter Hol­low by Elite Eques­tri­an {M}

Win­ter Hol­low fea­tures skat­ing, sleigh­ing, pony rides, and a region of fun to explore. Take the ram­bler tours (aer­i­al or ground based) of the Hol­low, or stop by for one of the skat­ing events host­ed by Elite Eques­tri­an. Explore the caves and Win­ter­ley Manor. 


A Sean­chai Win­ter Hol­i­day {M}

Cozy nooks to curl up with a good book, a meet­ing place for friends to chat or play games, enjoy Christ­mas videos, go ice skat­ing, ride the trains and carousel, or have a snow­ball fight. Enjoy two lev­els of hol­i­day cheer, inspired by fan­ta­sy and good com­pa­ny, and spe­cial sea­son­al sto­ry events.  Pre­sent­ed by Sean­chai Library.
