Tag Archives: instrumental

Smooth Jazz

Today, Sat­ur­day  27th May, we are fea­tur­ing a col­lec­tion of Smooth Jazz pieces to relax with and enjoy.

The major­i­ty of pieces are instru­men­tal and in gen­er­al the music is on the Jazz end of the New Age spectrum.

Music from the Grand Hotel

And now we take you to the Palm Court of the Grand Hotel…” as the announc­er used to say, intro­duc­ing a pro­gramme of fine light clas­si­cal and dance music from the Grand Hotel in East­bourne, on Britain’s South Coast.

Today we take you back to the dance-halls of the ear­ly to mid­dle 20th Cen­tu­ry, from around the mid-20s to the 50s, char­ac­terised by the BBC radio series, Grand Hotel. We’ll also be hear­ing some clas­sic big-band record­ings and much more.

Join us for anoth­er episode in our Sec­ond Life trav­el­ogue series, “Where Have You Been?”. “WYB” airs every Wednes­day and Sat­ur­day at 12 noon and 4pm Pacif­ic / SLT, and each episode is broad­cast over a cou­ple of weeks. And don’t miss “Engines of Our Inge­nu­ity” from the Uni­ver­si­ty of Hous­ton, every four hours from 4am Pacific.

Classical Landscapes

Sat­ur­day, Jan­u­ary 14th: Today’s pro­gramme, “Clas­si­cal Land­scapes”, con­sists of music from some of the Great Mas­ters of Clas­si­cal and Roman­tic music (and a few from the Baroque), includ­ing Mozart, Beethoven, Tchaikovsky and many more.

Sit back and enjoy some of the great­est music ever writ­ten, per­formed by the lead­ing orches­tras and solo per­form­ers of the world.

“Where Have You Been?”, where we sug­gest things to do and places to vis­it around the Sec­ond Life Grid, will be back for a new series in March. In the mean­time we’ll be re-broad­cast­ing a few pro­grammes from Series 2, start­ing with Seren­i­ty Val­ley (S02E08). While “WYB” includes quite a few time-relat­ed items like gallery exhi­bi­tions and places based around the time of year, there are some places we’ve vis­it­ed which are longer-term in scope and we’ll be revis­it­ing a few of them in the show’s reg­u­lar times­lots of 12 noon and 4pm Pacific/SLT, on Wednes­days and Saturdays.

You can also hear “Engines of Our Inge­nu­ity” at the usu­al time, every 4 hours from 4am Pacific.

“Orches­tra” by foil­man is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0

Classical Landscapes

Sat­ur­day, August 13th: Today’s pro­gramme con­sists of music from some of the Great Mas­ters of Clas­si­cal and Roman­tic music (and a few from the Baroque), includ­ing Mozart, Beethoven, Tchaikovsky and many more.

Sit back and enjoy some of the great­est music ever writ­ten, per­formed by the lead­ing orches­tras and solo per­form­ers of the world.

Then at noon and 4pm Pacific/SLT, 8pm and mid­night UK time, tune in for the lat­est edi­tion of our orig­i­nal series, “Where Have You Been?”, where we vis­it The Nature Col­lec­tive. More details here.

You can also hear “Engines of Our Inge­nu­ity” at the usu­al time, every 4 hours from 4am Pacific.

“Orches­tra” by foil­man is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0

“Where Have You Been?” Live from SL19B

Today, Sat­ur­day 25th June, at 2pm Pacific/SLT, that’s 10pm in the UK, we are broad­cast­ing a spe­cial LIVE edi­tion of our orig­i­nal series, “Where Have You Been?”, where we talk about things to do and places to see around the Sec­ond Life Grid. We’ll be broad­cast­ing live from the VCRa­dio Tow­er at the Sec­ond Life 19th Birth­day Com­mu­ni­ty Cel­e­bra­tions, and we’ll be giv­ing our picks from SL19B and sug­gest­ing a selec­tion of loca­tions around the SLB regions that you might enjoy vis­it­ing. We wel­come you to come along and join the stu­dio audi­ence for this spe­cial live show. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/SLB%20Imagination/110/188/24

Our Fea­tured Music today is relax­ing, tune­ful and large­ly instru­men­tal Smooth Jazz.


Because we’re run­ning this spe­cial live edi­tion, we won’t be broad­cast­ing “Where Have You Been?” at the usu­al times today. How­ev­er we will be repeat­ing this live edi­tion in the reg­u­lar time slots on the 29th and July 2nd.

Music from the Grand Hotel

And now we take you to the Palm Court of the Grand Hotel…” as the announc­er used to say, intro­duc­ing a pro­gramme of fine light clas­si­cal and dance music from the Grand Hotel in East­bourne, on Britain’s South Coast.

Today we take you back to the dance-halls of the ear­ly to mid­dle 20th Cen­tu­ry, from around the mid-20s to the 50s, char­ac­terised by the BBC radio series, Grand Hotel. We’ll also be hear­ing some clas­sic big-band record­ings and much more.

Join us at noon or 4pm Pacif­ic, 8pm or mid­night in the UK, for the lat­est episode in our Sec­ond Life trav­el­ogue series, “Where Have You Been?”, where we fea­ture For­ev­er Tourist, A Sec­ond Life Explo­ration Game.

Classical Landscapes

Sat­ur­day, Jan­u­ary 15th: Today’s pro­gramme con­sists of music from some of the Great Mas­ters of Clas­si­cal and Roman­tic music (and a few from the Baroque), includ­ing Mozart, Beethoven, Tchaikovsky and many more.

Sit back and enjoy some of the great­est music ever writ­ten, per­formed by the lead­ing orches­tras and solo per­form­ers of the world.

Today’s episode of “Where Have You Been?” (12 noon or 4pm Pacif­ic, 8pm or mid­night in the UK) looks at the For­ev­er Tourist: a Sec­ond Life Explo­ration Game, which encour­ages and rewards your explo­rations on the grid. You start off by acquir­ing a Pass­port, and hav­ing done so, you trav­el the grid to par­tic­i­pat­ing loca­tions where you can get a stamp in your pass­port, and some­times free gifts. All kinds of places are fea­tured and the list of par­tic­i­pat­ing loca­tions is up to around 400.

You can also hear “Engines of Our Inge­nu­ity” at the usu­al time, every 4 hours from 4am Pacific.

“Orches­tra” by foil­man is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0

Classical Landscapes

Weds Decem­ber 1st: Today’s pro­gramme con­sists of music from some of the Great Mas­ters of Clas­si­cal and Roman­tic music (and a few from the Baroque), includ­ing Mozart, Beethoven, Tchaikovsky and many more.

Sit back and enjoy some of the great­est music ever writ­ten, per­formed by the lead­ing orches­tras and solo per­form­ers of the world.

Today’s episode of “Where Have You Been?” vis­its The­atre On The Hill — where a the­atre is only one of the attrac­tions! 12 noon and 4pm Pacif­ic, 8pm and mid­night in the UK.

You can also hear “Engines of Our Inge­nu­ity” at the usu­al time, every 4 hours from 4am Pacific.

“Orches­tra” by foil­man is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0

Smooth Jazz

Today, Weds 29th Sep­tem­ber, we are fea­tur­ing a col­lec­tion of Smooth Jazz pieces to relax with and enjoy.

The major­i­ty of pieces are instru­men­tal and in gen­er­al the music is on the Jazz end of the New Age spectrum.

Music from the Grand Hotel

And now we take you to the Palm Court of the Grand Hotel…” as the announc­er used to say, intro­duc­ing a pro­gramme of fine light clas­si­cal and dance music from the Grand Hotel in East­bourne, on Britain’s South Coast.

Today we take you back to the dance-halls of the ear­ly to mid­dle 20th Cen­tu­ry, from around the mid-20s to the 50s, char­ac­terised by the BBC radio series, Grand Hotel. We’ll also be hear­ing some clas­sic big-band record­ings and much more.

Then at 12 noon or 4pm Pacif­ic / 8pm or mid­night in the UK, tune in for the lat­est episode of “Where Have You Been?”, our twice-month­ly look at things to do and places to vis­it on the Sec­ond Life Grid. This time, we vis­it The Restau­rant At The End Of The Uni­verse.