Monthly Archives: April 2023

The Magic of The Musical: New Series from Angel Manor

MUSICAL THEATER FANS:  New Series begins April 15 at 2pm SLT!

Sea­son 2 of Vir­tu­al Com­mu­ni­ty Radio’s orig­i­nal series “The Mag­ic of The Musi­cal” starts this Sat­ur­day, April 15th, at 2pm SLT/Pacific Time, live from its new home in the Gold Hall at the ele­gant Angel Manor Estate.

Music of the Baroque

Wednes­day April 12th, and today we’re fea­tur­ing music of the Baroque era, with a par­tic­u­lar­ly exten­sive col­lec­tion of music by J S Bach.

Plus it’s your last chance to hear the cur­rent episode of “Where Have You Been?”, where we report on inter­est­ing things to see and do across the Sec­ond Life Grid, at noon and 4pm Pacific/SLT, where we vis­it Arm­strong Park in a vir­tu­al New Orleans; and don’t miss “Engines of Our Inge­nu­ity” from the Uni­ver­si­ty of Hous­ton, every four hours from 4am Pacific.

Tired of the Green Menace? — A Ruby Adventure from ZBS

On Sun­day April 9th at 11:30 am Pacific/SLT, we are pleased to be host­ing a spe­cial event at the Sci-Fi Con in Sec­ond Life; a “ZBS Radio Hour” from our friends at ZBS Foun­da­tion, fea­tur­ing the very first adven­ture of Ruby the Galac­tic Gumshoe, ZBS’s most pop­u­lar cre­ation, in: “Tired of the Green Men­ace?” The loca­tion will be the audi­to­ri­um at New Atlantis 95/128/25  

The pro­gramme will also be broad­cast on our Events chan­nel at

Saturday At The Movies

Today, join us for a pro­gramme of music from the movies, today fea­tur­ing the music of Christo­pher Gun­ning, who sad­ly passed away recent­ly. Best known for his music for Agatha Christie’s Poirot, he was a pro­lif­ic com­pos­er who wrote a dozen sym­phonies as well as numer­ous film and TV sound­tracks. For more on his life and work, vis­it his web site.

Movies are where most peo­ple hear orches­tral music these days, and there will be plen­ty of that in this pro­gramme. But movie music is a much broad­er field than that, and today you’ll hear music from the movies of many dif­fer­ent kinds, from the very start of the genre (with Camille Saint-Saens) to the lat­est block­busters; from orches­tral music to rock, to Fifties songs. There is a slight bias towards fan­ta­sy and SF movies, but nev­er mind, we all need a bit of an escape these days.…