Tired of the Green Menace? — A Ruby Adventure from ZBS

On Sun­day April 9th at 11:30 am Pacific/SLT, we are pleased to be host­ing a spe­cial event at the Sci-Fi Con in Sec­ond Life; a “ZBS Radio Hour” from our friends at ZBS Foun­da­tion, fea­tur­ing the very first adven­ture of Ruby the Galac­tic Gumshoe, ZBS’s most pop­u­lar cre­ation, in: “Tired of the Green Men­ace?” The loca­tion will be the audi­to­ri­um at New Atlantis 95/128/25  

The pro­gramme will also be broad­cast on our Events chan­nel at http://streams.vcradio.org:8090/stream.

Here’s the premise: Ruby Tues­day  is hired by a Colonel Abu­lah Abdul­lah of the star clus­ter, Sau­di Aster­oidia, to find Cleo, a miss­ing plan­et. The Colonel, a robot, has cre­at­ed a minia­tur­ized repli­cate of him­self to fit into a cig­a­rette case. When­ev­er Ruby opens the case, the Colonel gives his opinion.

Ruby trav­els to the plan­et Dong-A-Long, to con­fer with a com­pa­ny that can move small aster­oids, to see if it’s pos­si­ble to move a plan­et. The Dong-A-Longese, all green, are all named Fong, and they all con­sid­er them­selves detec­tives. Ruby real­izes there’s much more behind this mys­tery when she encoun­ters the vil­lain­ous Forked Fore­fin­ger of Fong.

Here’s a sam­ple of the hour-long show:

Don’t for­get that if you like what you hear, there’s lots more at zbs.org (down­loads) and zbsmedia.com (stream­ing).