Tag Archives: drama

Introducing… The Incredible Adventures of Jack Flanders

We’re pleased to present an excit­ing new radio ser­i­al from our friends at ZBS Foun­da­tion: The Incred­i­ble Adven­tures of Jack Flan­ders! There are 10 half-hour episodes, one every Fri­day at noon and 4pm Pacific/SLT, start­ing on March 18th.


In the dead of night, a large ship­ping crate is deliv­ered to the home of our hero Jack Flan­ders. Open­ing the crate, Jack dis­cov­ers a green vel­vet over­stuffed chair. Each night at the stroke of mid­night, Jack sits in the soft, com­fort­able chair which comes alive, lur­ing him onto its vel­vety realm. Every­day real­i­ty fades away, and Jack finds him­self in a strange, oth­er-world of mag­ic, pirates, and sor­cery where huge puff­balls cling to ceil­ings and walls, mast­ed sail­ing ships with wings fly the skies and islands float in the air…

Frankenstein — The Finale Airs Today…

Don’t miss the finale of this hor­ror/s­ci-fi classic!

Tune in today, Sat­ur­day Octo­ber 16th at 2pm SLT/Pacific, 10pm in the UK — for Part Two of the Sean­chai Library full-cast adap­ta­tion of Mary Shel­ley’s clas­sic — Franken­stein!

Fea­tur­ing Shan­don Lor­ing, Zan­der Greene, Cor­wyn Allen, Da5id Abbot, Elrik Mer­lin and Cale­do­nia Skytower.

And tune in for the lat­est edi­tion of Where Have You Been? at noon or 2pm Pacif­ic, 8pm or mid­night in the UK, where we vis­it not one, but two sea­son­al venues: Snowy Riv­er Hal­loween — Pirate Vil­lage and Pine Val­ley Haunt­ed Cav­erns.

Today’s Fea­tured Music is Clas­sics On The Keys - Clas­si­cal and Baroque pieces fea­tur­ing keyboards.