Jack Flanders in League of the Green Velvet Chairs

Tune in on Fri­day for the lat­est episode of our excit­ing 10-part radio ser­i­al from our friends at ZBS Foun­da­tion: “League of the Green Vel­vet Chairs” - at noon or 4pm Pacific/SLT every Fri­day! In which Jack and his friends are trans­port­ed by a mys­te­ri­ous piece of furniture…

Now read on…


League of the Green Vel­vet Chairs — The Story

The Inver­ness estate is now being looked after by Jack’s niece. A few of the orig­i­nal char­ac­ters still remain, includ­ing the care­tak­er, Old Art, and Jack’s good friend, Mojo Sam the Youdoo Man.

Four of Jack Flan­ders’ fans arrive at the old man­sion, haul­ing along their own green, over­stuffed chairs. They are Zula, Zoey, Homer and Cairo. Each one tells of dreams they’ve had while sit­ting in their green vel­vet chairs. Their dreams not only appear sim­i­lar, they believe they’ve been called to Inver­ness, and they’re try­ing to under­stand why.

The Citadel of Shadows

In their dream world, there is a dark cas­tle sur­round­ed by walls; every­one has left, only their shad­ows remain. If a dream­er should wan­der into this moon­lit citadel, the shad­ows will attempt to cling to them, to become their shadow.

This becomes a real­i­ty when Zoey sits in Jack’s green chair. As the church bell chimes mid­night, the chair begins to grow wings. The next day they find Zoey in a coma. That evening Mojo also sits in the chair and is tak­en to this moon­lit realm, but he too becomes lost with­in the citadel of hun­gry shadows.

Tim’s Music

The music that Tim Clark has com­posed for this sto­ry is extra­or­di­nary, at times it is so beau­ti­ful, at oth­er times, it’s pret­ty creepy. In oth­er words, it is amazing.

Here’s an audio sam­ple of Part 1 of the series:

For fans of radio dra­ma and exot­ic meta­phys­i­cal mys­ter­ies. 10 approx­i­mate­ly ten-minute episodes.

Tune in at http://main.vcradio.org — or on your smart speak­er, “Play Vir­tu­al Com­mu­ni­ty Radio!”

And don’t for­get that if you enjoy this or any of our pre­sen­ta­tions of ZBS radio dra­mas, you can buy the series from zbs.org or stream them from ZBS Media.