Jack Flanders in League of the Green Velvet Chairs

Tune in on Friday for the latest episode of our exciting 10-part radio serial from our friends at ZBS Foundation: “League of the Green Velvet Chairs” - at noon or 4pm Pacific/SLT every Friday! In which Jack and his friends are transported by a mysterious piece of furniture…
Now read on…
League of the Green Velvet Chairs — The Story
The Inverness estate is now being looked after by Jack’s niece. A few of the original characters still remain, including the caretaker, Old Art, and Jack’s good friend, Mojo Sam the Youdoo Man.
Four of Jack Flanders’ fans arrive at the old mansion, hauling along their own green, overstuffed chairs. They are Zula, Zoey, Homer and Cairo. Each one tells of dreams they’ve had while sitting in their green velvet chairs. Their dreams not only appear similar, they believe they’ve been called to Inverness, and they’re trying to understand why.
The Citadel of Shadows
In their dream world, there is a dark castle surrounded by walls; everyone has left, only their shadows remain. If a dreamer should wander into this moonlit citadel, the shadows will attempt to cling to them, to become their shadow.
This becomes a reality when Zoey sits in Jack’s green chair. As the church bell chimes midnight, the chair begins to grow wings. The next day they find Zoey in a coma. That evening Mojo also sits in the chair and is taken to this moonlit realm, but he too becomes lost within the citadel of hungry shadows.
Tim’s Music
The music that Tim Clark has composed for this story is extraordinary, at times it is so beautiful, at other times, it’s pretty creepy. In other words, it is amazing.
Here’s an audio sample of Part 1 of the series:
For fans of radio drama and exotic metaphysical mysteries. 10 approximately ten-minute episodes.
Tune in at http://main.vcradio.org — or on your smart speaker, “Play Virtual Community Radio!”
And don’t forget that if you enjoy this or any of our presentations of ZBS radio dramas, you can buy the series from zbs.org or stream them from ZBS Media.