Category Archives: Station News

We’ve Got Skill!

We’re pleased to announce that you can now access Vir­tu­al Com­mu­ni­ty Radio sim­ply and quick­ly on your Alexa or com­pat­i­ble cloud-based smart speak­er. Just enable the skill (and you may not even have to do that) and you’re one step away from being tuned in!

If you need to enable the Skill, say “Alexa, enable Skill” and then reply “Vir­tu­al Com­mu­ni­ty Radio” when asked for the name of the Skill.

Then you can just say, “Alexa, Play Vir­tu­al Com­mu­ni­ty Radio”!

*Note that this fea­ture may not be avail­able out­side the US, Cana­da and the UK.

VCRadio Presents… Live Tarot Readings at SL20B

Hon­ey Heart, co-host of the orig­i­nal Vir­tu­al Com­mu­ni­ty Radio series “Tarot @ Teatime” will be on hand at the VCRa­dio instal­la­tion on SLB Breath­tak­ing to give Tarot read­ings to vis­i­tors — free of charge — from 1 to 2 pm SLT on Sat­ur­day June 24th and Fri­day June 30th. Don’t miss this oppor­tu­ni­ty for a per­son­al reading!

Your car­riage awaits!

Read­ings are for enter­tain­ment pur­pos­es only.

We’re Moving to Willow Grove

As we write, we’re mov­ing into our third year, and we’re in the process of mov­ing our head­quar­ters to a new loca­tion on the Wil­low Grove region. The SLURL is

All our Spon­sors, Friends and Patrons’ rental pan­els are now in the back room at the new HQ. There should­n’t be any inter­rup­tion in these services.

Over the com­ing year, you can expect a con­tin­u­a­tion of our unique pro­gram­ming, includ­ing new episodes of our orig­i­nal series, some of which are cur­rent­ly on hia­tus. “The Mag­ic of The Musi­cal” will start a new sea­son in April, and until then we’ll be run­ning some favourite episodes in the Sat­ur­day 2pm SLT slot. And when the series returns in the Spring, it’ll be broad­cast live from a brand new loca­tion. Sim­i­lar­ly, there will be new episodes of “Where Have You Been?”, where we vis­it places of inter­est around the Grid,  begin­ning next month — and until then we’ll be re-run­ning some shows cov­er­ing still-cur­rent SL loca­tions and activities.

Keep an eye on the web site here for the lat­est details.

October 27–31st at Haunted Hollow

The cel­e­bra­tion of the spir­its of autumn con­tin­ues this week, and Vir­tu­al Com­mu­ni­ty Radio is pleased to be there right along­side Tarot @ Teatime and Sean­chai Library to sup­port this event, pro­duced by Elite Equestrian.

Join us on between Thurs­day, Octo­ber 27th and Hal­lowe’en itself, Mon­day, Octo­ber 31st, at Haunt­ed Hol­low on Chest­nut Hills in #Sec­ondlife for the fol­low­ing events — all times SLT/Pacific …

  • Thurs­day, Octo­ber 27, 6–7pm - Live Tarot Read­ings with Tarot @ Teatime’s Hon­ey Heart
  • Thurs­day, Octo­ber 27, 7–9pm - Free­bird Live Trick Or Treat
  • Fri­day, Octo­ber 28, 11am-1pm - Free­bird Live Trick Or Treat
  • Sat­ur­day, Octo­ber 28, 7–9pm - Free­bird Live Trick Or Treat with DJ Cale on-the ‑air
  • Sun­day, Octo­ber 30th, 1:30pm — Ray Bradbury’s “The Hal­loween Tree” live read­ing with Sean­chai Library — Conclusion
    fol­lowed at 2:30pm approx to mid­night — A Samhain Ball at The Peak over­look­ing the entire region, with DJ Elrik Merlin
  • Mon­day, Octo­ber 31st at 2pm — Tarot Talk — The Scary Cards where the hosts of Vir­tu­al Com­mu­ni­ty Radio’s “Tarot @ Teatime” give a live pre­sen­ta­tion on why they’re not so scary at all.
    fol­lowed at 3pm - Wash­ing­ton Irv­ing’s “The Leg­end of Sleepy Hol­low” pre­sent­ed by Sean­chai Library’s Cale­do­nia Skytower

Stay Tuned to for fea­tured music Wednes­days and Sat­ur­days, our pro­grams Where Have You Been? (Weds/Sat) and Tarot @ Teatime (Thurs/Sun), and ZBS Radio Dra­ma Fri­days all on-the-air.

SUNDAY 23rd at Haunted Hollow

The cel­e­bra­tion of the spir­its of autumn con­tin­ues this week, and Vir­tu­al Com­mu­ni­ty Radio is pleased to be there right along­side Tarot @ Teatime and Sean­chai Library to sup­port this event, pro­duced by Elite Equestrian.

Join us on Sun­day, Octo­ber 23rd, at Haunt­ed Hol­low on Chest­nut Hills in #Sec­ondlife for …

  • Sun­day, Octo­ber 23, 1:30pm — Ray Bradbury’s “The Hal­loween Tree” with Sean­chai Library — Part 2
  • fol­lowed at 2:30pm — Clas­si­cal Autumn Ball at the Ball­room over­look­ing the sea with DJ Cale­do­nia Skytower
  • PLUS Tarot @ Teatime at 12 noon and 4pm Pacific/SLT

And there’s still more hap­py haunt­ings to come.

Review the full sched­ule of events between now and All Hal­lows Eve.

Stay Tuned to for fea­tured music Wednes­days and Sat­ur­days, our pro­grams Where Have You Been? and Tarot @ Teatime, and ZBS Radio Dra­ma Fri­days all on-the-air.

THIS WEEK at Haunted Hollow – October 19–23

The cel­e­bra­tion of the spir­its of autumn con­tin­ues this week, and Vir­tu­al Com­mu­ni­ty Radio is pleased to be there right along­side Tarot @ Teatime and Sean­chai Library to sup­port this event, pro­duced by Elite Eques­tri­an. Come and explore the many inter­ac­tive fea­tures of this year’s Hol­low. Have you found the drag­on’s hoard yet?


Join us at Haunt­ed Hol­low on Chest­nut Hills in #Sec­ondlife this week for …

  • Wednes­day, Octo­ber 19, 1 pm — Live Tarot Read­ings with Hon­ey Heart of Tarot @ Teatime
  • Sun­day, Octo­ber 23, 1:30pm — Ray Bradbury’s “The Hal­loween Tree” with Sean­chai Library — Part 2
  • fol­lowed at 2:30pm — Clas­si­cal Autumn Ball at the Ball­room over­look­ing the sea with DJ Cale­do­nia Skytower

And there’s still more hap­py haunt­ings to come.

Review the full sched­ule of events between now and All Hal­lows Eve.

Stay Tuned to for fea­tured music Wednes­day and Sat­ur­day, our pro­grams Where Have You Been? and Tarot @ Teatime, and ZBS Radio Dra­ma Fri­days all on-the-air.

This Weekend at Haunted Hollow: October 15–16

This Hal­loween sea­son, vis­it Haunt­ed Hol­low — An All Hal­lows Expe­ri­ence at Chest­nut Hills in Sec­ond Life — pre­sent­ed by Elite Eques­tri­an, with Sean­chai Library, Tarot @ Teatime, and Vir­tu­al Com­mu­ni­ty Radio. It’s open from Octo­ber 15 — 31 and there’s a lot hap­pen­ing! Here’s the Land­ing Point SLURL!

Here are the events sched­uled for Haunt­ed Hol­low for the week­end of Octo­ber 15/16:

Queen Elizabeth II 1926 — 2022

We at Vir­tu­al Com­mu­ni­ty Radio extend our con­do­lences to our friends and col­leagues in the Unit­ed King­dom and the Com­mon­wealth on the death of Her Majesty Queen Eliz­a­beth II. Her reign was long, and filled with many events that both chal­lenged and advanced the lives of her peo­ple, while she inspired the world.  We pay our respects and hon­our her memory.

We are cur­rent­ly pre­sent­ing a pro­gramme of music by a vari­ety of British com­posers fol­low­ing this sad event.



HOL-I-DAY (def)
1. day free from work that one may spend at leisure, espe­cial­ly a day on which cus­tom or the law dic­tates a halt­ing of gen­er­al busi­ness activ­i­ty to com­mem­o­rate or cel­e­brate a par­tic­u­lar event.
2. reli­gious feast day; a holy day.
3. Chiefly British A vaca­tion. Often used in the phrase on hol­i­day.

intr.v. holi·dayedholi·day·ingholi·days 

After 19 straight months of broad­cast­ing, and stay-at-home orders, we are tak­ing an oh-so-brief holiday.

What does that mean?
1. Great music will con­tin­ue to broad­cast 24/7
2. Some of our reg­u­lar week­ly fea­tures will not be running
3. “Dreams of Rio” should still run at Noon & 4pm slt/pacific on Friday
4. The month­ly live broad­cast of “The Mag­ic of The Musi­cal” — this month fea­tur­ing the work of Stephen Sond­heim — will still broad­cast this Sat­ur­day at 2pm slt/pacific.
Thank you for your support.
Stay Tuned!

Programming & Events, July 2nd

Today, July 2nd, marks our last day of events and spe­cial broad­casts sur­round­ing the Sec­ond Life 19th Birth­day Com­mu­ni­ty Celebration.

It’s a busy day!



All the high­light­ed events at

  • Start­ing at around 1:30pm SLT: Join us for our live CLASSIC ROCK PARTY with Elrik Mer­lin  at VCRa­dio Tow­er on SLB Imagination
  • 2:30 pm SLT: Stay around after the par­ty for a con­fi­den­tial Tarot read­ing with Hon­ey Heart of Tarot @ Teatime (SL VOICE required).

All events are broad­cast on our Main Stream  (except for the Tarot readings)



  • Today’s Fea­tured Music is Sat­ur­day At The Movies
  • 12 noon — 12:30 approx — WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN — Spe­cial SL19B Edition
  • 12:30p — 1:30p approx — The MOST — Music from the Orig­i­nal Sound Track 
    — clas­sic 60s and 70s crime jazz sound­tracks, includ­ing music by Hoyt Curtin (Jon­ny Quest), Oliv­er Nel­son (ZigZag), Tony Crom­bie (Man from Inter­pol) and much more
  • 1:30pm — 2:30p approx — Live Clas­sic Rock — starts at the end of The MOST — Join us for a par­ty! At the TOP TWO lev­els of the VCRa­dio exhib­it — take the Teleporter
  • 2:30pm — 3:30pm approx — Con­fi­den­tial Live Tarot read­ings (SL VOICE) with HONEY HEART of TAROT @ TEATIME Starts at end of rock show. These will be giv­en on the Tarot Lev­el of VCRa­dio Tow­er — fly up or take our Hov­er­car to the Tarot Level.
  • 4pm — 4:30pm approx — WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN — Spe­cial SL19B Edi­tion — Final broadcast
  • 4:30pm — 5:30pm approx — The MOST — Music from the Orig­i­nal Sound Track

All pro­gram­ming on VCRADIO MAIN except Tarot Read­ings in Voice. 

All tim­ings are SLT/Pacific and are approximate. 

Tarot read­ings are for enter­tain­ment pur­pos­es only.