Monthly Archives: November 2023
Where Have You Been? Cesa Gallery
In this episode of our bi-weekly (ie each episode runs for about two weeks) series, “Where Have You Been?” — where we suggest places to go and things to do around the Second Life Grid — hosts Caledonia Skytower and Elrik Merlin discuss the exciting new photography gallery opened by long-term SL resident Stevie Basevi.
Live Tarot Readings in Second Life, Nov 23
To give thanks for the season, Honey Heart PhD, host of Virtual Community Radio’s original series, “Tarot @ Teatime”, will be giving FREE Live Tarot Readings at the Tarot Tent in Winter Hollow in Second Life, on Thursday, November 23 1:00–2:00 PM SLT.
All readings are free, performed in a private SL Voice Call, and conducted solely in English. Please make sure you are configured to accept a private SL Voice Call prior to arriving. Readings are first come-first served and the last reading will be taken at 1:50 pm.
Your carriage awaits:
Readings are for entertainment purposes only.
The Magic of The Musical: Another Openin’ Another Show!
THE MAGIC OF THE MUSICAL — Saturday, November 18th @2pm Pacific/slt. This Month: “Another Openin’, Another Show — Cole Porter”
For this month’s episode we return to the Gold Hall at the elegant Angel Manor Estate. Join our live audience in #SecondLife or on-the-air!
Also on the air today: tune in at 12 noon or 4pm SLT for the latest edition of “Where Have You Been?” Plus “Engines of Our Ingenuity” from the University of Houston, every four hours from 4am. Featured Music today will, of course, be “On Broadway!”
TUNE IN at, or “Play Virtual Community Radio” on your smart speaker*!
(*If this doesn’t work first time, say “Enable Skill” and when asked what skill to enable, say “Virtual Community Radio”)
Where Have You Been? The Bellisserian Bureau of Bureaucracy
In this episode of our bi-weekly (ie each episode runs for two weeks) series, “Where Have You Been?” — where we suggest places to go and things to do around the Second Life Grid — hosts Caledonia Skytower and Elrik Merlin discuss the intriguingly-named Bellisserian Bureau of Bureaucracy (BBB) which sets out to encourage travel and exploration across the grid, with a passport system promoting over 600 items — and they’ll find you a licence for almost anything! They run events and tours, produce a weekly online publication, and there are even Bellisserian embassies on seven continents.
The show is broadcast on Wednesdays and Saturdays, in this case November 8, 11, 15 and 18, and it goes out at 12 noon and 4pm SLT/Pacific Time.
In addition, tune in every four hours from 4am SLT for a new episode of “The Engines of Our Ingenuity” from the University of Houston.
Jack Flanders in Tropical Hot Dog Night
Tune in on Friday for the next episode of another exciting radio serial from our friends at ZBS Foundation: “Tropical Hot Dog Night” - featuring that seasoned esoteric tourist, Jack Flanders.
This adventure consists of four half-hour episodes, broadcast at noon and 4pm Pacific/SLT on Fridays.
Now read on…
Celtic Music for Samhain
It’s the first of November and we are celebrating Samhain today with a programme of Celtic and Celtic-influenced music (and we’re not being too specific about which Celtic festivals it applies to!).
Samhain is a Gaelic festival on 1 November marking the end of the harvest season and beginning of winter or “darker half” of the year. It is also the Irish language name for November. Celebrations begin on the evening of 31 October, since the Celtic day began and ended at sunset. This is about halfway between the autumnal equinox and winter solstice. It is one of the four Gaelic seasonal festivals along with Imbolc, Bealtaine, and Lughnasa. Historically it was widely observed throughout Ireland, Scotland, and the Isle of Man. A similar festival is held by the Brittonic Celtic people, called Calan Gaeaf in Wales. (Wikipedia)
Today you can also hear the October edition of “Where Have You Been?” (details at the link), which covers both the Autumnal and the Hallowe’en aspects of the month just gone, with a selection of suggested places to visit in Second Life, many of which will remain accessible for the next day or two. The show goes out at 12 noon and 4pm SLT/Pacific Time. Note that the hour has gone back in Europe and not in the US — as a result there is one hour less between US (Second Life) and EU times this week — so for example in the UK, we are only 7 hours ahead of SLT instead of eight. This confusing fact applies for the week ahead — Daylight Saving Time in North America ends on Sunday 5th.
We also have a new episode or two of “Engines of Our Ingenuity” from the University of Houston, every four hours from 4am SLT/Pacific.
Image: A Neo-Pagan celebrating Samhain — author unknown (Wikimedia)