Live Tarot Readings in Second Life, Nov 23

To give thanks for the sea­son, Hon­ey Heart PhD, host of Vir­tu­al Com­mu­ni­ty Radio’s orig­i­nal series, “Tarot @ Teatime”, will be giv­ing  FREE Live Tarot Read­ings at the Tarot Tent in Win­ter Hol­low in Sec­ond Life, on Thurs­day, Novem­ber 23 1:00–2:00 PM SLT.

All read­ings are free, per­formed in a pri­vate SL Voice Call, and con­duct­ed sole­ly in Eng­lish. Please make sure you are con­fig­ured to accept a pri­vate SL Voice Call pri­or to arriv­ing. Read­ings are first come-first served and the last read­ing will be tak­en at 1:50 pm.

Your car­riage awaits:

Read­ings are for enter­tain­ment pur­pos­es only.