Monthly Archives: March 2022

Music of Ireland

Tomor­row is March 17, St Patrick­’s Day, and in antic­i­pa­tion of that, today we have a pro­gramme of pri­mar­i­ly (but not exclu­sive­ly) tra­di­tion­al music for you from the Emer­ald Isle.

It’s also the pre­miere of the lat­est edi­tion of Where’ve You Been? — our reg­u­lar fea­ture on things to do and places to see around the Sec­ond Life Grid. Tune in at 12 noon and 4pm Pacif­ic Time — this week, that’s 19:00 and 23:00 UTC. For details, see the arti­cle here.

You can also catch Engines of Our Inge­nu­ity, from the Uni­ver­si­ty of Hous­ton, every four hours from 4am Pacific.

“Ring of Ker­ry, Ire­land” by min­niemouse­aunt is licensed under CC BY 2.0

Where Have You Been…? Jurassic Park! Tribute

In the lat­est episode of our orig­i­nal series, “Where Have You Been?”, where we sug­gest places to go and things to do around the Sec­ond Life Grid, we vis­it the Juras­sic Park Adven­ture, the lat­est expe­ri­ence from :oxy­gen, cre­at­ed by Jus­tice Vought. It’s a trib­ute expe­ri­ence with sev­er­al dif­fer­ent lev­els: there’s a cave of dinosaur fos­sils, plus heli­copter, Pter­a­n­odon and jeep rides, all high­ly excit­ing and immer­sive — and (espe­cial­ly at the “dan­ger­ous lev­el”) scary where traps await you! There are peace­ful veg­e­tar­i­an long-necks, but there are also Veloci­rap­tors — and of course, T. Rex! Fans of the movie series and thrill seek­ers alike might like to con­sid­er a vis­it to Juras­sic Park!

Juras­sic Park!
Own­er: :oxy­gen / Jus­tice Vought
Region: Riv­er (Mod­er­ate)


Modern Classical Music

Today’s Fea­tured Music is “Mod­ern Clas­si­cal Music” — but what does that mean, exactly?

Well, in the con­text of today’s pro­gramme, we’re talk­ing about pieces of music writ­ten between around the mid-20th Cen­tu­ry until the present day, that aren’t exact­ly “pop music” (though they may tip a hat to it from time to time).

This is a tricky def­i­n­i­tion, how­ev­er. Mike Batt (some of whose work is in the playlist for today: there’s a lot more to his com­po­si­tions than the Wombles! ) has remarked that there is no such dis­tinc­tion as “pop­u­lar music” and “seri­ous music” — there’s sim­ply “pop­u­lar” and “unpop­u­lar”, so the def­i­n­i­tion rather falls at the first fence.

Moon Over Morocco: The Final Episode

TODAY on Vir­tu­al Com­mu­ni­ty Radio — Fri­day, March 11th, noon or 4pm Pacif­ic / 8pm and mid­night in the UK, the FINAL INSTALLMENT of…


Once in a far away land there exist­ed a knowl­edge of nat­ur­al mag­ic that has been lost to mod­ern man. Jack Flan­ders treks to Moroc­co, believ­ing that in this prim­i­tive coun­try, where mag­ic remains an inte­gral part of dai­ly life, he may find this knowl­edge. Jack dis­cov­ers far more than he expect­ed when he steps through the Gate of Pea­cocks, the entrance to that lost world. Jack has stepped out of mod­ern day Moroc­co and into the realm where the knowl­edge of mag­ic is a req­ui­site sur­vival skill. Here’s an extract from the clos­ing episode…

Next week at the same time, we bring you the first episode of the clas­sic ZBS series: The Incred­i­ble Adven­tures of Jack Flan­ders. Don’t miss it!

Music of the Baroque

Today, Wednes­day, March 9th, we explore the music of the Baroque era. We’ll be includ­ing the work of a wide range of composers.

Then at 12 noon and 4pm Pacif­ic / 8pm or mid­night UK time, there’s anoth­er chance to hear the lat­est episode of “Where Have You Been?”, our show on places to vis­it and things to do around the Sec­ond Life Grid, broad­cast every Wednes­day and Saturday.

Some­times you just want to get out and see some­thing new or dif­fer­ent. This time, we are vis­it­ing a small venue on the edge of a con­ti­nent that is just per­fect for that sort of thing:  The Decks, owned by Jack Vin­cent. Details are here.

And every four hours from 4am Pacific/noon in the UK, tune in for “The Engines of Our Inge­nu­ity”, from the Uni­ver­si­ty of Hous­ton, about the machines that make our civ­i­liza­tion run and the peo­ple whose inge­nu­ity cre­at­ed them.

Tarot @ Teatime Episode 26: Cards of Gateway & Transition — Now On Mixcloud

This is the sec­ond of our live pre­sen­ta­tions from Octo­ber 2021 by the hosts of our orig­i­nal series: “Tarot @ Teatime”, air­ing Thurs­days and Sun­days at noon and 4pm Pacif­ic Time/SLT, 8pm and mid­night in the UK. This pro­gramme was orig­i­nal­ly pre­sent­ed live and on-the-air in Octo­ber as part of the 2021 Haunt­ed Hol­low. We’ve also made avail­able the spe­cial edi­tion of “Where Have You Been?” which was broad­cast in the run-up to Mar­di Gras. Missed any episodes? Catch them on our Mix­Cloud feed!

Episode 26: Cards of Gate­way & Transition
In this episode, we talk about sev­er­al cards in the Tarot that offer us a gate­way from where we are to some­where else… per­haps a place we’d like to be. Oth­er cards imply a tran­si­tion from one way of per­ceiv­ing our world and our expe­ri­ences to anoth­er; a change in con­scious­ness; a realization.

Would live tarot read­ings add a some­thing unique to your in-world event or venue? Inquire to H0neyHeart Res­i­dent by note­card in-world, or email

If you’ve missed episodes of our series,  here’s our Mix­Cloud feed.

Missed The MOST? Catch it on Mixcloud!

If you missed the lat­est episode of The MOST — Music from the Orig­i­nal Sound Track — you can now catch it on our “lis­ten again” facil­i­ty on

In the fifth show in our month­ly series, your host Susan­nah spins sounds by some of the best com­posers in the crime-jazz busi­ness. Episode 5 includes tracks by Andre Previn, Mike Curb, Hugo Mon­tene­gro and Per­cy Faith  among oth­ers, and includes music from films and TV shows, includ­ing The Untouch­ables, The Wild Rac­ers, Lady In Cement, and more.

It’s the MOST — Music from the Original Sound Track — Episode 5

Plan­ning a heist? How about a mur­der? Attend­ing a love-in? Or is your bik­er gang plan­ning an out­ing? Have we got the show for you!

Join your host Susan­nah, on Sat­ur­day March 5th, at 12:30pm and 4:30pm Pacific/SLT – that’s 8:30pm and half past mid­night in the UK – for the fifth show in our month­ly series, The MOST – Music from the Orig­i­nal Sound Track. Ded­i­cat­ed to crime, spy, sus­pense, exploita­tion, and psy­che­del­ic movie and tele­vi­sion sound­tracks from the 50s, the 60s and beyond, The MOST is the best accom­pa­ni­ment for all your police-blot­ter high-jinks.

Date Night At The Decks

At 12 noon and 4pm Pacific/SLT — 8pm and mid­night in the UK, Wednes­days and Sat­ur­days, tune in to the lat­est episode of “Where Have You Been?”, our series on things to do and places to vis­it across the Sec­ond Life Grid.

Moon Over Morocco: Episode 9

TODAY on Vir­tu­al Com­mu­ni­ty Radio — Fri­day, March 4th, noon or 4pm Pacif­ic / 8pm and mid­night in the UK, the NINTH and penul­ti­mate install­ment of…


Once in a far away land there exist­ed a knowl­edge of nat­ur­al mag­ic that has been lost to mod­ern man. Jack Flan­ders treks to Moroc­co, believ­ing that in this prim­i­tive coun­try, where mag­ic remains an inte­gral part of dai­ly life, he may find this knowl­edge. Jack dis­cov­ers far more than he expect­ed when he steps through the Gate of Pea­cocks, the entrance to that lost world. Jack has stepped out of mod­ern day Moroc­co and into the realm where the knowl­edge of mag­ic is a req­ui­site sur­vival skill. Here’s a cou­ple of tastes of this week’s episode…