Tag Archives: light show

WYB S04E07: Bloom Light Show Residency at SLEA

The lat­est edi­tion (S04E07) of “Where Have You Been?” — the VCRa­dio orig­i­nal series that fea­tures places to go and things to do around the Sec­ond Life Grid — takes a look at a stun­ning mul­ti­me­dia art expe­ri­ence at the Sec­ond Life Endow­ment for the Arts.

“Semence: A Dig­i­tal Odyssey” is a light and par­ti­cle show cre­at­ed by Lalie Sor­bet and Chrix. The name “Semence” means “seed” in French, and also refers to the repro­duc­tive cell of all liv­ing forms. This sym­bol­izes the essence of the artists’ explo­ration of a dig­i­tal world filled with pix­els, col­ors, shapes, and effects. “Semence” rep­re­sents a jour­ney through the cycle of life, from incep­tion to growth and beyond, and uses the full poten­tial of Sec­ond Life, inte­grat­ing par­ti­cles, mesh­es, ani­mesh, and oth­er effects to cre­ate a mem­o­rable experience.

These light shows real­ly are unlike any­thing you’ve seen on this grid. Not only can you observe the show, but sit in the chairs pro­vid­ed and you will soon find your­self immersed in the show- lit­er­al­ly, fly­ing amidst the emerg­ing and chang­ing shapes and col­ors. The artists say, “Semence” is more than just a show. It is a metaphor for life’s jour­ney. We want you to be more than just a spec­ta­tor. Visu­al effects will seam­less­ly incor­po­rate you into the nar­ra­tive, mak­ing you an inte­gral part of this dig­i­tal adven­ture. Join us to wit­ness and par­tic­i­pate in this fusion of tech­nol­o­gy and art, where every ele­ment is a seed sown to cul­ti­vate won­der, growth, and inspiration.

S04E07 – Bloom Light Show Res­i­den­cy at Sec­ond Life Endow­ment for the Arts

SLEA Bridge 1 – Moderate

SLEA Web­site:

Pho­to Con­test: https://sleagrants.com/blog/2024/07/14/capture-the-magic-slea-bloom-light-show-photo-contest/

IMPORTANT NOTE: To inter­act with the light show, sit in one of the chairs pro­vid­ed. The chairs accom­mo­date both sin­gle and cou­ple seating.

“Where Have You Been?” airs every Wednes­day and Sat­ur­day on Vir­tu­al Com­mu­ni­ty Radio, at 12 noon and 4pm SLT/Pacific Time.