Where Have You Been S02E17: Susan’s Diary


In the lat­est episode of our orig­i­nal series, “Where Have You Been?”, where we look at things to do and places to see across the Sec­ond Life Grid, Cale and Rik make a pre-Hal­lowe’en vis­it to “Susan’s Diary”, at Delacruz Park, owned by Ser­gio Delacrus, an Ital­ian builder and pro­gram­mer who works as a free­lance VR Expe­ri­ence cre­ator, 3D mod­el­er and tex­ture artist.

Not only has he cre­at­ed prod­ucts and expe­ri­ences in Sec­ond Life, but he has done a sig­nif­i­cant amount of work in Sansar as well. His expe­ri­ence, “Susan’s Diary”, in Sec­ond Life involves a miss­ing child: to solve the mys­tery of Susan’s dis­ap­pear­ance involves a HUD-based game, hunt­ing for clues, and find­ing the pages of Susan’s diary to unlock the mys­tery of her fate. There’s also an asso­ci­at­ed YouTube chan­nel. It makes for an excel­lent pre-Hal­lowe’en entertainment.

“Susan’s Diary” is part of a larg­er games park with flight rides, roller coast­er, boats, hang glid­ers, bungee jump­ing, a sci-fi area, and a fly­ing drag­on — all free to explore. The tele­port to “Susan’s Diary” in Delacruz Park is right by the main land­ing area.

The episode pre­mieres on August 31st and runs on Wednes­day and Sat­ur­day at noon and 4pm SLT/Pacific Time (8pm and mid­night in the UK) until Sep­tem­ber 10.

S02E17 — Susan’s Diary
Own­er: Ser­gio Delacruz
Delacruz Tech­nolo­gies Island
Regions: Per­sius, General

You Tube Channel
