Where Have You Been? — Live at SL21B Part 2

On Wednes­day, July 10th, we broad­cast our sec­ond live pro­gramme from our exhib­it at the Sec­ond Life 21st Birth­day Cel­e­bra­tion. We’ll be re-broad­cast­ing it on Wednes­days and Sat­ur­days at 12 noon and 4pm SLT/Pacific Time until the event clos­es on the 21st July.

This is an SLB you don’t want to miss. The Com­mu­ni­ty Show­case has some of the best exhibits we’ve seen in a long time. Res­i­dents seem to have real­ly embraced the theme of “Ele­ments” and inter­pret­ed that in a vari­ety of ways, many straight­for­ward, and oth­ers very subtly.

And while you’ll find a lot of well-known cre­ators here from across the grid – well known com­mu­ni­ty res­i­dents such as Mar­i­anne McCann and Word­smith Jarvi­nen, as well as high pro­file artists such as Bryn Oh, Lon­don Junkers, Vanessajane6, John Hunts­man and many more – the Show­case is specif­i­cal­ly not about com­merce, it is about com­mu­ni­ty and com­mu­nities.

And for this episode we high­light three gen­er­al ways — indi­vid­ual voic­es, cel­e­brat­ing res­i­dents, and rep­re­sent­ing com­mu­ni­ties — in which those aspects are rep­re­sent­ed in the Show­case. A full list of all the SL21B Exhibits can be found in the com­mu­ni­ty pages at Secondlife.com, or through the Des­ti­na­tion Guide.

Stop by our “Ele­ments of Music” exhib­it on the region Mar­velous (link below) and find a note­card giv­er with the land­marks to both the des­ti­na­tions includ­ed in our SL21B cov­er­age on the Where Have You Been stage, along with slide shows of the images we took this year while we explored.

Hap­py Birth­day, Sec­ond Life!

Here are links to the var­i­ous exhibits we dis­cuss in the programme:


SL21B Com­mu­ni­ty Show­case – Full Exhib­it List second.life/sl21bexhibits

Indi­vid­ual Voices:

Vic Morn­ing­ton — The Ele­ments of Sec­ond Life — Ode To The Builder

Mil­tone Mar­quette — Ele­ments of Organ­ic Living

Tin­dalia Sooth­say­er — The Tem­ple of the Elements

momo­mu­ra Zehet­bauer — “Saku­ra Fubu­ki” Obser­va­tion Deck


Cel­e­brat­ing Residents:

Jor­dyn Har­mo­ny (Kate­la­s­phere Design) – Ele­men­tal Voyage

Mike Mapp & Kami­la Amat­era­su — A Walk With Our Sec­ondary Selves


Rep­re­sent­ing Communities:

Mag­nus Brody — Loch Ness

Kiptin — AVATAR: Role­play Alignments

nance clowes — Fun Rides & Amuse­ment Parks Exhibit


Hon­ey Heart (Elite Eques­tri­an) – The Ele­ments of Tarot: The Fool’s Journey

Sean­chai Library – Get Lost In Stories

Vir­tu­al Com­mu­ni­ty Radio – Ele­ments of Music