Tarot @ Teatime — Live Today!

Join us on Friday, October 22nd, at Haunted Hollow, Chestnut Hills in Second Life at 11am Pacific/SLT — that’s 7pm in the UK — for a special live edition of our popular original series on the Tarot, Tarot @ Teatime.
The show will focus on the “Creepy” cards of the Tarot — the ones that make most people squirm with alarm when they are laid in a spread — and (hopefully) ameliorate their scary factor.
Join Honey Heart and Willow Moonfire in the ground floor of the Magickal Shoppe off the square in Haunted Hollow, on the Chestnut Hills region of Second Life.
There will be a second live Tarot @ Teatime show on Friday 29th at 3pm Pacific/SLT — 11pm UK time — stay tuned for details!
The programme will be followed at the top of the hour by Week 5 of the exciting and mysterious classic ZBS adventure series The Fourth Tower of Inverness - where Jack finds an ancient grimoire, open at the page “For the successful extraction of Dragons from within thee”!…