Tag Archives: soundtrack

Saturday At The Movies

Today, join us for a pro­gramme of music from the movies.

Movies are where most peo­ple today hear orches­tral music, and there will be plen­ty of that today. But movie music is a much broad­er field than that, and today you’ll hear music from the movies of many dif­fer­ent kinds, from the very start of the genre (with Camille Saint-Saens) to the lat­est block­busters; from orches­tral music to rock, to Fifties songs. There is a slight bias towards fan­ta­sy and SF movies, but nev­er mind, we all need a bit of an escape these days.…

Today we’ll be fea­tur­ing Andrea Far­ri’s evoca­tive music from  Le Château du Tarot — a short film that unveiled the Dior Haute-Cou­ture Spring-Sum­mer 2021 col­lec­tion by Maria Grazia Chiuri.

Saturday At The Movies

Today, join us for a pro­gramme of music from the movies.

Movies are where most peo­ple today hear orches­tral music, and there will be plen­ty of that today. But movie music is a much broad­er field than that, and today you’ll hear music from the movies of many dif­fer­ent kinds, from the very start of the genre (with Camille Saint-Saens) to the lat­est block­busters; from orches­tral music to rock, to Fifties songs. There is a slight bias towards fan­ta­sy and SF movies, but nev­er mind, we all need a bit of an escape these days.…

In addi­tion, tune in at noon or 4pm Pacif­ic Time to hear the lat­est edi­tion of Where’ve You Been?, our look at places to vis­it and things to see around the Sec­ond Life grid, and every four hours from 4am Pacif­ic, lis­ten out for The Engines of Our Inge­nu­ity, from the Uni­ver­si­ty of Hous­ton — about the machines that make our civ­i­liza­tion run, and the peo­ple whose inge­nu­ity cre­at­ed them.

Saturday At The Movies

Stuck at home like every­one? Pour­ing with rain or snow out­side at the same time? Tune in to Vir­tu­al Com­mu­ni­ty Radio for Sat­ur­day At The Movies, one of our col­lec­tions of Genre Days, each fea­tur­ing a dif­fer­ent genre of music.

Movies are where most peo­ple today hear orches­tral music, and there will be plen­ty of that today. But movie music is a much broad­er field than that, and today you’ll hear music from the movies of many dif­fer­ent kinds, from the very start of the genre (with Camille Saint-Saens) to the lat­est block­busters; from orches­tral music to rock, to Fifties songs. There is a slight bias towards fan­ta­sy and SF movies, but nev­er mind, we all need a bit of an escape these days.…

So… Grab the pop­corn and set­tle down in front of the speak­ers in the best seat in the house — your own.

Pho­to by Krists Luhaers on Unsplash