Tag Archives: jack flanders

ZBS Presents: Moon Over Morocco

TODAY on Vir­tu­al Com­mu­ni­ty Radio — Fri­day, Jan­u­ary 7th, noon or 4pm Pacif­ic / 8pm and mid­night in the UK, the first install­ment of…

Moon Over Morocco

Once in a far away land there exist­ed a knowl­edge of nat­ur­al mag­ic that has been lost to mod­ern man. Jack Flan­ders treks to Moroc­co, believ­ing that in this prim­i­tive coun­try, where mag­ic remains an inte­gral part of dai­ly life, he may find this knowl­edge. Jack dis­cov­ers far more than he expect­ed when he steps through the Gate of Pea­cocks, the entrance to that lost world. Jack has stepped out of mod­ern day Moroc­co and into the realm where the knowl­edge of mag­ic is a req­ui­site sur­vival skill. Here’s a taste…

The envi­ron­ments in Moon Over Moroc­co were record­ed by author M. Ful­ton while trav­el­ling around that coun­try. You’ll hear the Med­i­na, the Cas­bah, the music of the snake charm­ers, the lone­ly call to prayer from the minaret of the mosque, the dogs of Tang­i­er as the moon becomes full, the music of the desert tribes record­ed in the Sahara and Berber music record­ed at fes­ti­vals in the Grand Atlas and Rif Moun­tains. Music was record­ed by Paul Bowles. Ten hour-long episodes.

Fea­tur­ing Robert Less­er as Kas­bah Kel­ly, Dave Adams as Mojo Sam and Tau­re­an Blacque as the Sto­ry­teller Mustafa. And of course Robert Lorick as Jack Flan­ders / King Has­san Bizel / El Kabah

The Fourth Tower of Inverness concludes!

TODAY on Vir­tu­al Com­mu­ni­ty Radio — Fri­day, Decem­ber 17th…

The Fourth Tow­er of Inver­ness  comes to a close today. Tune in at Noon and 4pm SLT/Pacific Time / 8pm and mid­night in the UK to see how it all pans out. To begin with, Jack has acci­den­tal­ly bopped the Madon­na Vam­pi­ra on the head, think­ing she was an intruder…

Here’s a lit­tle hint of what happens:


Arriv­ing at the Inver­ness estate, Jack Flan­ders encoun­ters strange hap­pen­ings at the old Vic­to­ri­an man­sion. Jack is told that there are only three tow­ers in Inver­ness, even though he is cer­tain he has seen a fourth. An old juke­box, which he can­not locate, plays a haunt­ing 50’s tune just before an acci­dent hap­pens. Jack pur­sues the hid­den juke­box, search­ing through slid­ing pan­els, hol­low walls, and under­ground pas­sage­ways until final­ly he dis­cov­ers the entrance to the Fourth Tow­er that only he can see. In all these years, eight peo­ple have ven­tured into the Tow­er, nev­er to be seen again. Jack is the ninth…

Upon enter­ing the tow­er, Jack dis­cov­ers steps that spi­ral end­less­ly upward. On each lev­el there is a door, and as our hero opens each door he steps into dif­fer­ent dimen­sions: strange worlds of myth and mys­ti­cal fantasy.

The Fourth Tower of Inverness continues… Week 12

TODAY on Vir­tu­al Com­mu­ni­ty Radio — Fri­day, Decem­ber 10th.
The Fourth Tow­er of Inver­ness  con­tin­ues with Week 12 — the penul­ti­mate episode of this excit­ing mys­tery adventure.

Airs just after the hour at Noon and 4pm SLT/Pacific Time / 8pm and mid­night in the UK.

This week, Jack pole-vaults right over the mys­te­ri­ous city… and final­ly comes face-to-face with Lord Hen­ry Jowls. By Jove, right on time…

Arriv­ing at the Inver­ness estate, Jack Flan­ders encoun­ters strange hap­pen­ings at the old Vic­to­ri­an man­sion. Jack is told that there are only three tow­ers in Inver­ness, even though he is cer­tain he has seen a fourth. An old juke­box, which he can­not locate, plays a haunt­ing 50’s tune just before an acci­dent hap­pens. Jack pur­sues the hid­den juke­box, search­ing through slid­ing pan­els, hol­low walls, and under­ground pas­sage­ways until final­ly he dis­cov­ers the entrance to the Fourth Tow­er that only he can see. In all these years, eight peo­ple have ven­tured into the Tow­er, nev­er to be seen again. Jack is the ninth…

Upon enter­ing the tow­er, Jack dis­cov­ers steps that spi­ral end­less­ly upward. On each lev­el there is a door, and as our hero opens each door he steps into dif­fer­ent dimen­sions: strange worlds of myth and mys­ti­cal fantasy.

The Fourth Tower of Inverness continues… Week 11

TODAY on Vir­tu­al Com­mu­ni­ty Radio — Fri­day, Decem­ber 3rd.
The Fourth Tow­er of Inver­ness  con­tin­ues with Week 11 of this excit­ing mys­tery adventure.

Airs just after the hour at Noon and 4pm SLT/Pacific Time / 8pm and mid­night in the UK.

Jack dis­cov­ers the source of all the strange crea­tures around the Inver­ness estate… Then he climbs the end­less stairs inside the Fourth Tow­er: search­ing for the mys­te­ri­ous juke­box and loaded down with nick­els to feed it, he enters the third door. What will hap­pen to him there? And then, there’s the drag­on… “By Jove, that is odd…”

Arriv­ing at the Inver­ness estate, Jack Flan­ders encoun­ters strange hap­pen­ings at the old Vic­to­ri­an man­sion. Jack is told that there are only three tow­ers in Inver­ness, even though he is cer­tain he has seen a fourth. An old juke­box, which he can­not locate, plays a haunt­ing 50’s tune just before an acci­dent hap­pens. Jack pur­sues the hid­den juke­box, search­ing through slid­ing pan­els, hol­low walls, and under­ground pas­sage­ways until final­ly he dis­cov­ers the entrance to the Fourth Tow­er that only he can see. In all these years, eight peo­ple have ven­tured into the Tow­er, nev­er to be seen again. Jack is the ninth…

Upon enter­ing the tow­er, Jack dis­cov­ers steps that spi­ral end­less­ly upward. On each lev­el there is a door, and as our hero opens each door he steps into dif­fer­ent dimen­sions: strange worlds of myth and mys­ti­cal fantasy.

The Fourth Tower of Inverness continues… Week 10

TODAY on Vir­tu­al Com­mu­ni­ty Radio — Fri­day, Novem­ber 26th.
The Fourth Tow­er of Inver­ness  con­tin­ues with Week 10 of this excit­ing mys­tery adventure.

Airs just after the hour at Noon and 4pm SLT/Pacific Time / 8pm and mid­night in the UK.

Jack has spot­ted Lord Jowls in the crowd… but how can they actu­al­ly meet?

Arriv­ing at the Inver­ness estate, Jack Flan­ders encoun­ters strange hap­pen­ings at the old Vic­to­ri­an man­sion. Jack is told that there are only three tow­ers in Inver­ness, even though he is cer­tain he has seen a fourth. An old juke­box, which he can­not locate, plays a haunt­ing 50’s tune just before an acci­dent hap­pens. Jack pur­sues the hid­den juke­box, search­ing through slid­ing pan­els, hol­low walls, and under­ground pas­sage­ways until final­ly he dis­cov­ers the entrance to the Fourth Tow­er that only he can see. In all these years, eight peo­ple have ven­tured into the Tow­er, nev­er to be seen again. Jack is the ninth…

Upon enter­ing the tow­er, Jack dis­cov­ers steps that spi­ral end­less­ly upward. On each lev­el there is a door, and as our hero opens each door he steps into dif­fer­ent dimen­sions: strange worlds of myth and mys­ti­cal fantasy.

The Fourth Tower of Inverness continues… Week 9

TODAY on Vir­tu­al Com­mu­ni­ty Radio — Fri­day, Novem­ber 19th.
The Fourth Tow­er of Inver­ness  con­tin­ues with Week 9 of this excit­ing mys­tery adventure.

Airs just after the hour at Noon and 4pm SLT/Pacific Time / 8pm and mid­night in the UK.

Arriv­ing at the Inver­ness estate, Jack Flan­ders encoun­ters strange hap­pen­ings at the old Vic­to­ri­an man­sion. Jack is told that there are only three tow­ers in Inver­ness, even though he is cer­tain he has seen a fourth. An old juke­box, which he can­not locate, plays a haunt­ing 50’s tune just before an acci­dent hap­pens. Jack pur­sues the hid­den juke­box, search­ing through slid­ing pan­els, hol­low walls, and under­ground pas­sage­ways until final­ly he dis­cov­ers the entrance to the Fourth Tow­er that only he can see. In all these years, eight peo­ple have ven­tured into the Tow­er, nev­er to be seen again. Jack is the ninth…

Upon enter­ing the tow­er, Jack dis­cov­ers steps that spi­ral end­less­ly upward. On each lev­el there is a door, and as our hero opens each door he steps into dif­fer­ent dimen­sions: strange worlds of myth and mys­ti­cal fantasy.

The Fourth Tower of Inverness continues… Week 8

TODAY on Vir­tu­al Com­mu­ni­ty Radio — Fri­day, Novem­ber 12th.
The Fourth Tow­er of Inver­ness  con­tin­ues with Week 8 of this excit­ing mys­tery adventure.

Airs just after the hour at Noon and 4pm SLT/Pacific Time / 8pm and mid­night in the UK.

Arriv­ing at the Inver­ness estate, Jack Flan­ders encoun­ters strange hap­pen­ings at the old Vic­to­ri­an man­sion. Jack is told that there are only three tow­ers in Inver­ness, even though he is cer­tain he has seen a fourth. An old juke­box, which he can­not locate, plays a haunt­ing 50’s tune just before an acci­dent hap­pens. Jack pur­sues the hid­den juke­box, search­ing through slid­ing pan­els, hol­low walls, and under­ground pas­sage­ways until final­ly he dis­cov­ers the entrance to the Fourth Tow­er that only he can see. In all these years, eight peo­ple have ven­tured into the Tow­er, nev­er to be seen again. Jack is the ninth…

Upon enter­ing the tow­er, Jack dis­cov­ers steps that spi­ral end­less­ly upward. On each lev­el there is a door, and as our hero opens each door he steps into dif­fer­ent dimen­sions: strange worlds of myth and mys­ti­cal fantasy.

The Fourth Tower of Inverness continues… Week 7

Jack Flan­ders returns from the Fourth Tow­er… but some­thing has changed in the old Vic­to­ri­an mansion!

TODAY on Vir­tu­al Com­mu­ni­ty Radio — Fri­day, Novem­ber 5th.
The Fourth Tow­er of Inver­ness  con­tin­ues with Week 7 of this excit­ing mys­tery adventure.
Airs just after the hour at Noon and 4pm SLT/Pacific Time / 7pm and 11pm in the UK (unusu­al, due to time change in the UK). Here’s a sam­ple from this week’s episode…

The Fourth Tow­er of Inver­ness is a 1972 radio dra­ma, pro­duced by the ZBS Foun­da­tion. It is the first of the Jack Flan­ders adven­ture series, and com­bines ele­ments of Amer­i­cana and Old-time radio, with meta­phys­i­cal con­cepts such as past life regres­sion, Sufi wis­dom, Tibetan Bud­dhism and shaman­is­tic com­mu­ni­ca­tion with the nat­ur­al world.

The Fourth Tower of Inverness continues… Week 6

Jack Flan­ders final­ly enters the Fourth Tower!

TODAY on Vir­tu­al Com­mu­ni­ty Radio — Fri­day, Octo­ber 29th.
The Fourth Tow­er of Inver­ness  con­tin­ues with Week 6 of this excit­ing mys­tery adventure.
Airs just after the hour at Noon and 4pm SLT/Pacific Time / 8pm and mid­night in the UK.

The 4pm broad­cast will be brack­et­ed with live pro­gram­ming from Cale­do­nia Sky­tow­er to accom­pa­ny Live Trick Or Treat at Haunt­ed Hollow.

The Fourth Tow­er of Inver­ness is a 1972 radio dra­ma, pro­duced by the ZBS Foun­da­tion. It is the first of the Jack Flan­ders adven­ture series, and com­bines ele­ments of Amer­i­cana and Old-time radio, with meta­phys­i­cal con­cepts such as past life regres­sion, Sufi wis­dom, Tibetan Bud­dhism and shaman­is­tic com­mu­ni­ca­tion with the nat­ur­al world.

The Fourth Tower of Inverness continues… Week 4

Jack Flan­ders has been warned to stay away from the Maze behind the man­sion at Inver­ness. Will he lis­ten to good advice? Prob­a­bly not…

TODAY on Vir­tu­al Com­mu­ni­ty Radio — Fri­day, Octo­ber 15th.
The Fourth Tow­er of Inver­ness  con­tin­ues with Week 4 of this excit­ing mys­tery adventure.
Airs just after the hour at Noon and 4pm SLT/Pacific Time / 8pm and mid­night in the UK.

The Fourth Tow­er of Inver­ness is a 1972 radio dra­ma, pro­duced by the ZBS Foun­da­tion. It is the first of the Jack Flan­ders adven­ture series, and com­bines ele­ments of Amer­i­cana and Old-time radio, with meta­phys­i­cal con­cepts such as past life regres­sion, Sufi wis­dom, Tibetan Bud­dhism and shaman­is­tic com­mu­ni­ca­tion with the nat­ur­al world.

Stay Tuned!