The Fourth Tower of Inverness continues… Week 9

TODAY on Vir­tu­al Com­mu­ni­ty Radio — Fri­day, Novem­ber 19th.
The Fourth Tow­er of Inver­ness  con­tin­ues with Week 9 of this excit­ing mys­tery adventure.

Airs just after the hour at Noon and 4pm SLT/Pacific Time / 8pm and mid­night in the UK.

Arriv­ing at the Inver­ness estate, Jack Flan­ders encoun­ters strange hap­pen­ings at the old Vic­to­ri­an man­sion. Jack is told that there are only three tow­ers in Inver­ness, even though he is cer­tain he has seen a fourth. An old juke­box, which he can­not locate, plays a haunt­ing 50’s tune just before an acci­dent hap­pens. Jack pur­sues the hid­den juke­box, search­ing through slid­ing pan­els, hol­low walls, and under­ground pas­sage­ways until final­ly he dis­cov­ers the entrance to the Fourth Tow­er that only he can see. In all these years, eight peo­ple have ven­tured into the Tow­er, nev­er to be seen again. Jack is the ninth…

Upon enter­ing the tow­er, Jack dis­cov­ers steps that spi­ral end­less­ly upward. On each lev­el there is a door, and as our hero opens each door he steps into dif­fer­ent dimen­sions: strange worlds of myth and mys­ti­cal fantasy.

The Fourth Tow­er of Inver­ness is clas­sic radio, a humor­ous adven­ture, with many lev­els of mean­ing behind the mys­tery. It is a beau­ti­ful alle­go­ry of illu­sion and real­i­ty. This clas­sic sto­ry is filled with all kinds of teach­ings, from Ram Dass play­ing on the Wurl­itzer of Wis­doms, to the Tibetan wheel-of-life, to Sufi sto­ries, all woven into a humor­ous adventure.

Jack Flan­ders – Robert Lorick
Lit­tle Frie­da – P.J. Orte (Billed as Pat Anderson)
Nar­ra­tor and Dr. Mazo­ola – Dave Herman
The Madon­na Vampyra – Lau­ra Esterman
Chief Wampum and Old Far-See­ing Art – Meat­ball Fulton
Lord Hen­ry Jowls – Mur­ray Head
Meanie Eenie & Lady Sarah Jowls – Valerie Mamches
Intro-Out­ro themes – Paul Combs
Out­ro-Announc­er – Mark Stone
Voice in Whirl­itzer – Ram Dass

Engi­neer­ing – Bob­by Bielec­ki (Billed as Vir­gil Snakeskin)
Writ­ten and direct­ed — Meat­ball Fulton

The per­former play­ing Jives the But­ler was uncred­it­ed; he was the hus­band of Valerie Mam­ch­es, who played Meanie Eenie and Lady Jowls.
Spe­cial thanks to Robert Durand, The Jef­fer­son Air­plane, John Romkey, Michael Roach, Augie Blume, Max & Miles and all the gang at ZBS.

Back in 1972, Augie Blume, pro­mo­tions man for RCA Records and Jef­fer­son Air­plane stopped by the ZBS radio com­mune, asked what they were up to. They took him to the stu­dio and played him a cou­ple of episodes (then in pro­duc­tion), and Augie said, “Maybe we can do some­thing togeth­er?”  Jef­fer­son Airplane’s label, Grunt Records, spon­sored the 4th Tow­er.  It was sent to 400 radio sta­tions.  This was back in the days of reel-to-reel tape.  There were 65, dai­ly, 7‑minute episodes.  And also 13 half hours (the dailies edit­ed into half-hour pro­grams for week­end plays — which is the ver­sion we are pre­sent­ing).  So each sta­tion received 26 reels of tape!