Tag Archives: jack flanders

Dreams of Bali — A Travels With Jack Adventure

Tune in on Fri­day for the next episode of anoth­er excit­ing radio ser­i­al from our friends at ZBS Foun­da­tion: Dreams of Bali - anoth­er adven­ture from the Trav­els with Jack series.

This adven­ture con­sists  of four half-hour episodes, broad­cast at noon and 4pm Pacific/SLT on Fri­day Novem­ber 11, 18, 25 and Dec 2.


THIS WEEK at Haunted Hollow – October 19–23

The cel­e­bra­tion of the spir­its of autumn con­tin­ues this week, and Vir­tu­al Com­mu­ni­ty Radio is pleased to be there right along­side Tarot @ Teatime and Sean­chai Library to sup­port this event, pro­duced by Elite Eques­tri­an. Come and explore the many inter­ac­tive fea­tures of this year’s Hol­low. Have you found the drag­on’s hoard yet?


Join us at Haunt­ed Hol­low on Chest­nut Hills in #Sec­ondlife this week for …

  • Wednes­day, Octo­ber 19, 1 pm — Live Tarot Read­ings with Hon­ey Heart of Tarot @ Teatime
  • Sun­day, Octo­ber 23, 1:30pm — Ray Bradbury’s “The Hal­loween Tree” with Sean­chai Library — Part 2
  • fol­lowed at 2:30pm — Clas­si­cal Autumn Ball at the Ball­room over­look­ing the sea with DJ Cale­do­nia Skytower

And there’s still more hap­py haunt­ings to come.

Review the full sched­ule of events between now and All Hal­lows Eve.

Stay Tuned to VCRadio.org for fea­tured music Wednes­day and Sat­ur­day, our pro­grams Where Have You Been? and Tarot @ Teatime, and ZBS Radio Dra­ma Fri­days all on-the-air.

Dreams of the Amazon — A Travelling Jack Adventure

Tune in on Fri­day for the next episode of anoth­er excit­ing radio ser­i­al from our friends at ZBS Foun­da­tion: Dreams of the Ama­zon!

This adven­ture con­sists  of four half-hour episodes, one broad­cast every Fri­day at noon and 4pm Pacific/SLT.



The Mystery of Jaguar Reef — A Classic Jack Flanders Adventure

Tune in on Fri­day for the next episode of this excit­ing radio ser­i­al from our friends at ZBS Foun­da­tion: The Mys­tery of Jaguar Reef! This is the lat­est of four half-hour episodes, one every Fri­day at noon and 4pm Pacific/SLT.


Jack inves­ti­gates a puz­zling case of per­son­al­i­ty change and soon finds him­self scu­ba-div­ing into a dilem­ma off the shores of Belize. Where did this mys­te­ri­ous pirate wreck come from? Is Jack real­ly a pawn in a cos­mic chess game? And why does every­one around him seem to be “Walk-ins”, except (per­haps) Cap­tain Coco, his local liai­son? Puls­ing fes­ti­val rhythms, a dose of potent “Viper Rum” — and the pirate ship ascends into the trop­i­cal night sky. Jack is sud­den­ly at the helm sus­pect­ing that some kind of alien plot is afloat. And so it is… Here are some samples…

Cap­tain Morgans

Skele­ton Chess

​​For fans of audio dra­ma, radio dra­ma, radio adven­ture, adven­ture radio dra­ma, radio mys­ter­ies and exot­ic meta­phys­i­cal mys­ter­ies. And don’t for­get that if you enjoy this or any of our pre­sen­ta­tions of ZBS radio dra­mas, you can buy the series from zbs.org or stream them from ZBS Media.

Dreams Of Rio — A Classic Jack Flanders Adventure

Tune in on Fri­day for the next episode of this excit­ing radio ser­i­al from our friends at ZBS Foun­da­tion: Dreams Of Rio! This is the lat­est of 13 half-hour episodes, one every Fri­day at noon and 4pm Pacific/SLT.


Hyp­not­ic voodoo beats, lush jun­gle nois­es, trop­i­cal rains, an enig­mat­ic Euro­pean Pro­fes­sor, an allur­ing female anthro­pol­o­gist… a few of the ingre­di­ents which M. Ful­ton has fash­ioned into his audio fan­ta­sy, Dreams of Rio, an engag­ing romp through the forests and sam­ba clubs of Brazil. Dreams of Rio chron­i­cles the trop­i­cal adven­tures of hero Jack Flan­ders as he treks through the mys­te­ri­ous wilds of Brazil­ian rain­forests and impos­si­ble sit­u­a­tions in his search for the Lost City. The crisp, stereo record­ings come vibrant­ly alive with lus­cious ambi­ent sound record­ed by Ful­ton and Clark on loca­tion in Brazil. Here’s a lit­tle hint…

Dreams Of Rio — A Classic Jack Flanders Adventure: Part Five

Tune in on Fri­day for the fifth episode of this excit­ing radio ser­i­al from our friends at ZBS Foun­da­tion: Dreams Of Rio! This is the lat­est of 13 half-hour episodes, one every Fri­day at noon and 4pm Pacific/SLT.


Hyp­not­ic voodoo beats, lush jun­gle nois­es, trop­i­cal rains, an enig­mat­ic Euro­pean Pro­fes­sor, an allur­ing female anthro­pol­o­gist… a few of the ingre­di­ents which M. Ful­ton has fash­ioned into his audio fan­ta­sy, Dreams of Rio, an engag­ing romp through the forests and sam­ba clubs of Brazil. Dreams of Rio chron­i­cles the trop­i­cal adven­tures of hero Jack Flan­ders as he treks through the mys­te­ri­ous wilds of Brazil­ian rain­forests and impos­si­ble sit­u­a­tions in his search for the Lost City. The crisp, stereo record­ings come vibrant­ly alive with lus­cious ambi­ent sound record­ed by Ful­ton and Clark on loca­tion in Brazil. Here’s a lit­tle hint…

Dreams Of Rio — A Classic Jack Flanders Adventure: Part Four

Tune in on Fri­day for the fourth episode of this excit­ing radio ser­i­al from our friends at ZBS Foun­da­tion: Dreams Of Rio! This is the fourth of 13 half-hour episodes, one every Fri­day at noon and 4pm Pacific/SLT.


Hyp­not­ic voodoo beats, lush jun­gle nois­es, trop­i­cal rains, an enig­mat­ic Euro­pean Pro­fes­sor, an allur­ing female anthro­pol­o­gist… a few of the ingre­di­ents which M. Ful­ton has fash­ioned into his audio fan­ta­sy, Dreams of Rio, an engag­ing romp through the forests and sam­ba clubs of Brazil. Dreams of Rio chron­i­cles the trop­i­cal adven­tures of hero Jack Flan­ders as he treks through the mys­te­ri­ous wilds of Brazil­ian rain­forests and impos­si­ble sit­u­a­tions in his search for the Lost City. The crisp, stereo record­ings come vibrant­ly alive with lus­cious ambi­ent sound record­ed by Ful­ton and Clark on loca­tion in Brazil. Here’s a lit­tle hint…

Dreams Of Rio — A Classic Jack Flanders Adventure: Part Three

Tune in on Fri­day for the third episode of an excit­ing new radio ser­i­al from our friends at ZBS Foun­da­tion: Dreams Of Rio! This is the third of 13 half-hour episodes, one every Fri­day at noon and 4pm Pacific/SLT.


Hyp­not­ic voodoo beats, lush jun­gle nois­es, trop­i­cal rains, an enig­mat­ic Euro­pean Pro­fes­sor, an allur­ing female anthro­pol­o­gist… a few of the ingre­di­ents which M. Ful­ton has fash­ioned into his audio fan­ta­sy, Dreams of Rio, an engag­ing romp through the forests and sam­ba clubs of Brazil. Dreams of Rio chron­i­cles the trop­i­cal adven­tures of hero Jack Flan­ders as he treks through the mys­te­ri­ous wilds of Brazil­ian rain­forests and impos­si­ble sit­u­a­tions in his search for the Lost City. The crisp, stereo record­ings come vibrant­ly alive with lus­cious ambi­ent sound record­ed by Ful­ton and Clark on loca­tion in Brazil. Here’s a lit­tle hint…

Dreams Of Rio: Parts One & Two Back-To-Back

We had some tech­ni­cal issues with time­zones last Fri­day and as a result the first episode of this ser­i­al went out at two very odd times and you may well have missed it!

So on 17th June, we’re broad­cast­ing episodes 1 & 2 back to back! Tune in on Fri­day for the first two episodes of this new Jack Flan­ders radio ser­i­al from our friends at ZBS Foun­da­tion: Dreams Of Rio! These are the first of 13 half-hour episodes, one every Fri­day at noon and 4pm Pacific/SLT.


Hyp­not­ic voodoo beats, lush jun­gle nois­es, trop­i­cal rains, an enig­mat­ic Euro­pean Pro­fes­sor, an allur­ing female anthro­pol­o­gist… a few of the ingre­di­ents which M. Ful­ton has fash­ioned into his audio fan­ta­sy, Dreams of Rio, an engag­ing romp through the forests and sam­ba clubs of Brazil. Dreams of Rio chron­i­cles the trop­i­cal adven­tures of hero Jack Flan­ders as he treks through the mys­te­ri­ous wilds of Brazil­ian rain­forests and impos­si­ble sit­u­a­tions in his search for the Lost City. The crisp, stereo record­ings come vibrant­ly alive with lus­cious ambi­ent sound record­ed by Ful­ton and Clark on loca­tion in Brazil. Here’s a lit­tle taster…

Dreams Of Rio — A Classic Jack Flanders Adventure: Part One

Tune in on Fri­day for the first episode of an excit­ing new radio ser­i­al from our friends at ZBS Foun­da­tion: Dreams Of Rio! This is the first of 13 half-hour episodes, one every Fri­day at noon and 4pm Pacific/SLT.


Hyp­not­ic voodoo beats, lush jun­gle nois­es, trop­i­cal rains, an enig­mat­ic Euro­pean Pro­fes­sor, an allur­ing female anthro­pol­o­gist… a few of the ingre­di­ents which M. Ful­ton has fash­ioned into his audio fan­ta­sy, Dreams of Rio, an engag­ing romp through the forests and sam­ba clubs of Brazil. Dreams of Rio chron­i­cles the trop­i­cal adven­tures of hero Jack Flan­ders as he treks through the mys­te­ri­ous wilds of Brazil­ian rain­forests and impos­si­ble sit­u­a­tions in his search for the Lost City. The crisp, stereo record­ings come vibrant­ly alive with lus­cious ambi­ent sound record­ed by Ful­ton and Clark on loca­tion in Brazil. Here’s a lit­tle hint…