Tag Archives: Baroque

Classics On The Keys

Today, Sat­ur­day Octo­ber 15th, we present a wealth of key­board pieces — pri­mar­i­ly on piano, harp­si­chord and organ, but you’ll hear some oth­er tra­di­tion­al key­board instru­ments too — both solo and with oth­er musi­cal forces back­ing them.

The main spread of the pro­gramme encom­pass­es the Baroque and Clas­si­cal peri­ods, but you’ll also hear some more mod­ern pieces includ­ing treat­ments of clas­si­cal pieces, and some engag­ing lit­tle 19th cen­tu­ry pieces that are less well-known. Most of the time, there is a clas­si­cal or baroque link in there some­where, even if it’s not imme­di­ate­ly obvious.

Music of the Baroque

Today, Wednes­day Octo­ber 6th, we explore the music of the Baroque era. We’ll be includ­ing the work of a wide range of com­posers. Many will be famil­iar; oth­er per­haps less so; or they may have writ­ten pieces that we know well but have no idea of who com­posed them — for exam­ple Eng­lish com­pos­er Thomas Arne, who wrote Rule Bri­tan­nia but also a range of oth­er pieces which deserve more inter­est than is usu­al­ly paid to them. And there is plen­ty of Bach in today’s programme!

Then at 12 noon and 4pm Pacif­ic / 8pm or mid­night UK time, there’s anoth­er chance to hear Episode 17 of “Where Have You Been?”, our twice-month­ly show on places to vis­it and things to do around the Sec­ond Life Grid. And in this sea­son­al episode, we vis­it Embrace Aphrodite’s Dark­ness and Ghast­ly Manor. Fea­tur­ing three attrac­tions, rang­ing from a scenic rail­road to an arcade ghost-train style ride, it’s a delight­ful­ly var­ied des­ti­na­tion for those who love Hallowe’en fun.

And every four hours from 4am Pacific/noon in the UK, tune in for “The Engines of Our Inge­nu­ity”, from the Uni­ver­si­ty of Hous­ton, about the machines that make our civ­i­liza­tion run and the peo­ple whose inge­nu­ity cre­at­ed them.

In addi­tion, don’t for­get to catch our pre­sen­ta­tion of Franken­stein in two parts start­ing Sat­ur­day 9th.

Music of the Baroque

Today, Sat­ur­day Sep­tem­ber 4th, we explore the music of the Baroque era. We’ll be includ­ing the work of a wide range of com­posers. Many will be famil­iar; oth­er per­haps less so; or they may have writ­ten pieces that we know well but have no idea of who com­posed them — for exam­ple Eng­lish com­pos­er Thomas Arne, who wrote Rule Bri­tan­nia but also a range of oth­er pieces which deserve more inter­est than is usu­al­ly paid to them.

Then at 12 noon and 4pm Pacif­ic / 8pm or mid­night UK time, there’s anoth­er chance to hear Episode 15 of “Where’ve You Been?”, our twice-month­ly show on places to vis­it and things to do around the Sec­ond Life Grid. In this episode, we vis­it Art Korner SL, which focus­es on art and pho­tog­ra­phy show­cased in-world across many dif­fer­ent gen­res and forms. You can read more about it here.

And every four hours from 4am Pacific/noon in the UK, tune in for “The Engines of Our Inge­nu­ity”, from the Uni­ver­si­ty of Hous­ton, about the machines that make our civ­i­liza­tion run and the peo­ple whose inge­nu­ity cre­at­ed them.

Music of the Baroque

Today, Sat­ur­day August 7, we explore the music of the Baroque era. We’ll be includ­ing the work of a wide range of com­posers. Many will be famil­iar; oth­er per­haps less so; or they may have writ­ten pieces that we know well but have no idea of who com­posed them — for exam­ple Eng­lish com­pos­er Thomas Arne, who wrote Rule Bri­tan­nia but also a range of oth­er pieces which deserve more inter­est than is usu­al­ly paid to them. And on this occa­sion we are also explor­ing a range of works by J S Bach — some well-known and oth­ers less familiar.

Then at 12 noon and 4pm Pacif­ic / 8pm or mid­night UK time, there’s anoth­er chance to hear Episode 13 of “Where’ve You Been?”, our twice-month­ly show on places to vis­it and things to do around the Sec­ond Life Grid. This time we’re pay­ing a return vis­it to the Sec­ond Life Endow­ment for the Arts (SLEA), focus­ing on the near­ly-com­plet­ed Bridge Project.  You’ll find more details here. And every four hours from 4am Pacific/noon in the UK, tune in for “The Engines of Our Inge­nu­ity”, from the Uni­ver­si­ty of Hous­ton, about the machines that make our civ­i­liza­tion run and the peo­ple whose inge­nu­ity cre­at­ed them.

Music of the Baroque

Today, Wednes­day July 7th, we explore, once again, the music of the Baroque era. We’ll be includ­ing the work of a wide range of com­posers. Many will be famil­iar; oth­er per­haps less so; or they may have writ­ten pieces that we know well but have no idea of who com­posed them — for exam­ple Eng­lish com­pos­er Thomas Arne, who wrote Rule Bri­tan­nia but also a range of oth­er pieces which deserve more inter­est than is usu­al­ly paid to them.

Then at 12 noon and 4pm Pacif­ic / 8pm or mid­night UK time, tune in to hear the NEW edi­tion of “Where’ve You Been?”, our twice-month­ly show on places to vis­it and things to do around the Sec­ond Life Grid. In this episode we vis­it  Arca­di­an Rap­ture Remas­tered — an extra­or­di­nary cyber-deco shop­ping mall (see sep­a­rate entry)! And every four hours from 4am Pacif­ic, tune in for “The Engines of Our Inge­nu­ity”, from the Uni­ver­si­ty of Hous­ton, about the machines that make our civ­i­liza­tion run and the peo­ple whose inge­nu­ity cre­at­ed them.

Music of the Baroque

Today, Sat­ur­day June 5th, we explore, once again, the music of the Baroque era. We’ll be includ­ing the work of a wide range of com­posers. Many will be famil­iar; oth­er per­haps less so; or they may have writ­ten pieces that we know well but have no idea of who com­posed them — for exam­ple Eng­lish com­pos­er Thomas Arne, who wrote Rule Bri­tan­nia but also a range of oth­er pieces which deserve more inter­est than is usu­al­ly paid to them.

Then at 12 noon and 4pm Pacif­ic / 8pm or mid­night UK time, there’s anoth­er chance to hear Episode 7 of “Where’ve You Been?”, our twice-month­ly show on places to vis­it and things to do around the Sec­ond Life Grid. In this episode we vis­it the excit­ing Sau Motors Demo Track — an amaz­ing mul­ti-lev­el race­track and a fab­u­lous col­lec­tion of bikes and cars to test out on it — details here. And every four hours from 4am Pacif­ic, tune in for “The Engines of Our Inge­nu­ity”, from the Uni­ver­si­ty of Hous­ton, about the machines that make our civ­i­liza­tion run and the peo­ple whose inge­nu­ity cre­at­ed them.

Music from the Time of Austen & Gainsborough

Today’s pro­gramme takes us back to the the 18th and the begin­ning of the 19th cen­turies, with music from the time of nov­el­ist Jane Austen (1775–1817) and the painter (Thomas) Gains­bor­ough (1728–1788) — in oth­er words, music that takes us from the late Baroque to the ear­ly Clas­si­cal period.

Music of the Baroque

Today, Wednes­day May 5th, we explore the music of the Baroque era. We’ll be includ­ing the work of a wide range of com­posers. Many will be famil­iar; oth­er per­haps less so; or they may have writ­ten pieces that we know well but have no idea of who com­posed them — for exam­ple Eng­lish com­pos­er Thomas Arne, who wrote Rule Bri­tan­nia but also a range of oth­er pieces which deserve more inter­est than is usu­al­ly paid to them.

Then at 12 noon and 4pm Pacif­ic / 8pm or mid­night UK time, join us for Episode 6 of “Where’ve You Been?”, our twice-month­ly show on places to vis­it and things to do around the Sec­ond Life Grid. In this episode we vis­it ‘once upon a time’ — a curi­ous world where things appear very dif­fer­ent — and you can find the details here. And every four hours from 4am Pacif­ic, tune in for “The Engines of Our Inge­nu­ity”, from the Uni­ver­si­ty of Hous­ton, about the machines that make our civ­i­liza­tion run and the peo­ple whose inge­nu­ity cre­at­ed them.

Music of the Baroque

Today, Sat­ur­day April 3rd, we explore the music of the Baroque era. We’ll be includ­ing the work of a wide range of com­posers. Many will be famil­iar; oth­er per­haps less so; or they may have writ­ten pieces that we know well but have no idea of who com­posed them — for exam­ple Eng­lish com­pos­er Thomas Arne, who wrote Rule Bri­tan­nia but also a range of oth­er pieces which deserve more inter­est than is usu­al­ly paid to them.

Then at 12 noon and 4pm Pacif­ic, join us for Episode 5 of “Where’ve You Been?”, our twice-month­ly show on places to vis­it and things to do around the Sec­ond Life Grid. In this episode we vis­it Zamo­nia and you can find the details here. And every four hours from 4am Pacif­ic, tune in for “The Engines of Our Inge­nu­ity”, from the Uni­ver­si­ty of Hous­ton, about the machines that make our civ­i­liza­tion run and the peo­ple whose inge­nu­ity cre­at­ed them.

Genre Day: Music of the Baroque

Today, Sat­ur­day Feb­ru­ary 6th, we explore the music of the Baroque era. We’ll be includ­ing the work of a wide range of com­posers. Many will be famil­iar; oth­er per­haps less so — or they may have writ­ten pieces that we know well but have no idea of who com­posed them — for exam­ple Eng­lish com­pos­er Thomas Arne, who wrote Rule Bri­tan­nia but also a range of oth­er pieces which deserve more inter­est than is usu­al­ly paid to them.