Where Have You Been? S04E10: Dark Park

We’re pleased to present the lat­est episode in our orig­i­nal series, “Where Have You Been?”, where we dis­cuss things to do and places to vis­it across the Sec­ond Life Grid. Episodes are broad­cast on Wednes­days and Sat­ur­days at 12 noon and 4pm SLT/Pacific Time. In this episode we dis­cov­er the Dark Park — an Amuse­ment Park for Hal­lowe’en.

‘Tis the Sea­sons, so we are here to offi­cial­ly wel­come Hal­loween 2024 by fea­tur­ing Dark Park, a spooky amuse­ment in Sec­ond Life with a tra­di­tion of quite a num­ber of years!

Dark Park is part of the greater GEL (Ger­ritt Enter­pris­es Lim­it­ed) estate in Sec­ond Life.  GEL began as one region with one anchor store over a decade ago, and has grown to 55 regions, 650 res­i­dents, and  a group in excess of 2500.

Activ­i­ties with­in the GEL Com­mu­ni­ty include three dif­fer­ent dance the­aters, a num­ber of diverse Role Play sites and com­mu­ni­ties rang­ing from sci­ence-fic­tion to adult enter­tain­ment, a full region amuse­ment park and art galleries.

GEL Amuse­ment Park is rat­ed Gen­er­al and occu­pies a full region, open 24/7, 365 days a year. It includes 44 indi­vid­ual attrac­tions grouped into six “Lands” with many of the rides being unique to GEL; they can­not be found any­where else on the Sec­ond Life Grid.

This pro­gramme airs at 12 noon and 4pm SLT/Pacific, on Octo­ber 2, 5, 9, 12, 16 and 19.

S04E10: Dark Park — an Amuse­ment Park for Halloween

Orga­niz­er GEL Community
Web­site: https://slgelcommunity.wordpress.com/
GEL Amuse­ment Park  – General
Dark Park 2024 is cre­at­ed by Nance Clowes and Sev­en Ravenhurst

Stan­dard Attrac­tions Avail­able at GEL Amuse­ment Park

Main Street

  1. Amer­i­ca the Beau­ti­ful ‑17 Minute Cir­cleRa­ma Presentation
  2. Pen­ny Arcade–15 dif­fer­ent Video Games avail­able to play
  3. Sky Trol­ley
  4. Vic­to­ri­an Carousel

Plan­et Snoopy

  1. The Simp­sons Dark Ride
  2. Snoopy Bumper Cars
  3. Spin­Base!
  4. Insan­i­ty Roller Coaster
  5. Tow­er Drop
  6. Bounce House
  7. Teacups Ride

West­ern World

  1. Mine Ride
  2. Spino-rama
  3. Stam­pede Roller Coaster
  4. Hur­ri­cane Roller Coaster
  5. Geyser Gulch
  6. Rapids Ride
  7. Worm­hole


  1. Star­gate Dark Ride
  2. Mum­my’s Revenge Dark Ride
  3. Eye of Horus Roller Coaster
  4. Nile Cruise Dark Ride
  5. Pharao­h’s Swing
  6. Ring of The Gods

Fan­ta­sy World

  1. Giant Water­slide
  2. Iron Drag­on Roller Coaster
  3. Viking Swing Ship
  4. Atlantis Dark Ride
  5. Drag­ons Roller Coaster
  6. Jour­ney through Time Dark Ride
  7. Putt-Putt Golf Coast

Tomor­row World

  1. Peo­ple Mover
  2. Star Escape
  3. Star Express 5 minute Star Ride
  4. Cap­tain Nemo 12 minute Ocean Tour
  5. Blast Off Rock­et Ride
  6. Fly­ing
  7. Dust 12 minute video
  8. Mis­sion to Mars simulator
  9. Alien Attack Shooter
  10. Space Arcade-12 arcade games, Greedy, Pool
  11. Rebel Run Roller Coaster
  12. Galac­tic Escape Dark Ride

NOTE: Since the record­ing of this episode, we have dis­cov­ered that some attrac­tions in this year’s edi­tion of Dark Park are still being worked on and pol­ished. You know, First Life is that thing that hap­pens while you are mak­ing vir­tu­al plans. So, when you vis­it Dark Park 2024, should you encounter rides that are not yet avail­able for your enjoy­ment, be gra­cious and plan on return­ing to enjoy them before the month is over. 

SLURL: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/GEL%20Amusement%20Park/171/195/46