Where Have You Been? S02E20: SL’s Top Haunted Places Tour & Hunt
In the latest episode of our original series, “Where Have You Been?”, where we look at things to do and places to see across the Second Life Grid, Cale and Rik discuss the SL Top Haunted Places Tour & Hunt — a unique list of Hallowe’en locations and events in Second Life.
The show will be broadcast on Wednesdays and Saturdays at 12 noon and 4pm Pacific/SLT (8pm and midnight in the UK), until the end of October.
This is the 13th year of the SL Top Haunted Places Tour & Hunt. This long-standing Halloween tradition involves notecard-based listings which lead you to many fantastic haunted places and hunts grid-wide for you to explore. It also includes some shopping destinations. There are approximately 100 listings each year. To get your list, you look for the SL’s Top Haunted Places sign at each haunted destination.
There is no prescribed order, so you can go to whatever destinations suit your fancy, and in whatever order pleases you. New ones are added all month long, so check the sign often as you visit various locations. The event runs for the entire month of October.
SL’s Top Haunted Places Tour & Hunt
Organized by Carolyn Avro
Open October 1 — 31
List notecards are continually being updated with new destinations all month long. Click on the posters at the destinations on the list frequently to get the most up-to-date lists.
SL’s Top Haunted Places Tour Headquarters