Tag Archives: Satie

La Musique Classique Française

Join us today for a pro­gramme of French clas­si­cal music from a wide vari­ety of com­posers, pri­mar­i­ly from the 18th and 19th cen­turies, includ­ing a nice col­lec­tion of the works of Erik Satie that goes well beyond the Gymnopédies.

Most of the com­posers today are pret­ty well-known, but keep your ears open for things like the Euro­vi­sion theme — actu­al­ly Extrait du Te Deum by Char­p­en­tier — and oth­er good­ies. There is some gor­geous music in today’s pro­gramme and we do hope you enjoy it.

La Musique Classique Française

Join us today for a pro­gramme of French clas­si­cal music from a wide vari­ety of com­posers, pri­mar­i­ly from the 18th and 19th cen­turies, includ­ing a nice col­lec­tion of the works of Erik Satie that goes well beyond the Gymnopédies. Most of the com­posers today are pret­ty well-known, but keep your ears open for things like the Euro­vi­sion theme — actu­al­ly Extrait du Te Deum by Char­p­en­tier — and oth­er good­ies. There is some gor­geous music in today’s pro­gramme and we do hope you enjoy it.

La Musique Classique Française

Join us today from a pro­gramme of French clas­si­cal music from a wide vari­ety of com­posers, pri­mar­i­ly from the 18th and 19th cen­turies, includ­ing a nice col­lec­tion of the works of Erik Satie that goes well beyond the Gymnopédies. Most of the com­posers today are pret­ty well-known, but keep your ears open for things like the Euro­vi­sion theme — actu­al­ly Extrait du Te Deum by Char­p­en­tier — and oth­er good­ies. There is some gor­geous music in today’s pro­gramme and we do hope you enjoy it.