Tag Archives: retro-futuristic

Sunday 9 July: Elrik Merlin at SL20B — and more!

Sun­day 9th July, 3pm SLT: Join Vir­tu­al Com­mu­ni­ty Radio’s co-founder Elrik Mer­lin for an hour of retro-futur­is­tic Clas­sic Elec­tron­i­ca LIVE from the Vir­tu­al Com­mu­ni­ty Radio exhib­it at the Sec­ond Life 20th Birth­day cel­e­bra­tions! Artists include The Tor­na­dos, Kraftwerk, Kei­th Mans­field, Per­rey & Kings­ley, Syn­er­gy and more.  Be there in per­son — or tune in to Vir­tu­al Com­mu­ni­ty Radio for the live broadcast!

Here’s your trans­porta­tion… and talk­ing of trans­porta­tion, while you’re there, why not hop on a sky­cy­cle and see the exhi­bi­tion from a dif­fer­ent angle!

In addi­tion, tune in at 12 noon and 4pm for Episode 22 of our orig­i­nal series, “Tarot @ Teatime. In this episode Hon­ey and Wil­low take a jour­ney through more of the Major Arcana and dis­cuss the his­to­ry and sig­nif­i­cance of cards XII The Hanged Man, XIII Death, XIV Tem­per­ance, XV The Dev­il, and XVI The Tow­er — details here.