Tag Archives: relaxing


As sum­mer begins to draw to a close in the North­ern hemi­sphere, tune in today, Weds Sep­tem­ber 8, for a pro­gramme of melod­ic, often orches­tral pieces as we fea­ture music that evokes the nat­ur­al world in all its glory.

Main­ly, but not exclu­sive­ly, clas­si­cal in nature, we’ll hear music like Beethoven’s Pas­toral Sym­pho­ny and the beau­ti­ful but less­er known Sym­pho­ny No 3, Pas­toral, from Vaugh­an Williams. There’s The Lark Ascend­ing and many oth­er beau­ti­ful relax­ing classics.

In addi­tion, you’ll hear some relax­ing ‘smooth jazz’ and New Age pieces, again with a coun­try air.

So kick back and enjoy var­ied sounds evoca­tive of the countryside.