Tag Archives: orchestral

Saturday At The Movies

Today, join us for a pro­gramme of music from movie and TV sound­tracks — and now we’re includ­ing some com­put­er game sound­tracks, which have become as sophis­ti­cat­ed as movie scores in recent years and include some of the same composers.

Movies are where most peo­ple hear orches­tral music these days, and there will be plen­ty of that in this pro­gramme. But movie music is a much broad­er field than that, and today you’ll hear music from the movies of many dif­fer­ent kinds, from the very start of the genre (with Camille Saint-Saens) to the lat­est block­busters; from orches­tral music to rock, to Fifties songs. There is a slight bias towards fan­ta­sy and SF movies, but nev­er mind, we all need a bit of an escape these days.…

Saturday At The Movies

Today, join us for a pro­gramme of music from movie and TV sound­tracks — and now we’re includ­ing some gam­ing sound­tracks, which have become as sophis­ti­cat­ed as movie scores in recent years and include some of the same composers.

Movies are where most peo­ple hear orches­tral music these days, and there will be plen­ty of that in this pro­gramme. But movie music is a much broad­er field than that, and today you’ll hear music from the movies of many dif­fer­ent kinds, from the very start of the genre (with Camille Saint-Saens) to the lat­est block­busters; from orches­tral music to rock, to Fifties songs. There is a slight bias towards fan­ta­sy and SF movies, but nev­er mind, we all need a bit of an escape these days.…

Saturday At The Movies

Today, join us for a pro­gramme of music from movie and TV sound­tracks — and now we’re includ­ing some gam­ing sound­tracks, which have become as sophis­ti­cat­ed as movie scores in recent years and include some of the same composers.

Movies are where most peo­ple hear orches­tral music these days, and there will be plen­ty of that in this pro­gramme. But movie music is a much broad­er field than that, and today you’ll hear music from the movies of many dif­fer­ent kinds, from the very start of the genre (with Camille Saint-Saens) to the lat­est block­busters; from orches­tral music to rock, to Fifties songs. There is a slight bias towards fan­ta­sy and SF movies, but nev­er mind, we all need a bit of an escape these days.…

Saturday At The Movies

Today, join us for a pro­gramme of music from the movies, today fea­tur­ing the music of Christo­pher Gun­ning, who sad­ly passed away recent­ly. Best known for his music for Agatha Christie’s Poirot, he was a pro­lif­ic com­pos­er who wrote a dozen sym­phonies as well as numer­ous film and TV sound­tracks. For more on his life and work, vis­it his web site.

Movies are where most peo­ple hear orches­tral music these days, and there will be plen­ty of that in this pro­gramme. But movie music is a much broad­er field than that, and today you’ll hear music from the movies of many dif­fer­ent kinds, from the very start of the genre (with Camille Saint-Saens) to the lat­est block­busters; from orches­tral music to rock, to Fifties songs. There is a slight bias towards fan­ta­sy and SF movies, but nev­er mind, we all need a bit of an escape these days.…

From Classical to Romantic

Today, Sat­ur­day 11th June, we explore a lit­tle of the music writ­ten at the bor­ders of the Clas­si­cal and Roman­tic eras, focus­ing on the work of some well-known com­posers born in the last 30 years of the 18th Cen­tu­ry. And at 12 noon and 4pm Pacific/Second Life Time, tune in for the lat­est episode of our orig­i­nal series on things to do and places to vis­it around the Sec­ond Life Grid — “Where Have You Been?” This time we pay a vis­it to The Elven For­est and have a dis­cus­sion on Role­play. Plus don’t miss “The Engines of Our Inge­nu­ity” every four hours from 4am Pacific.

From Classical to Romantic

Today we explore a lit­tle of the music writ­ten at the bor­ders of the Clas­si­cal and Roman­tic eras, focus­ing on the work of some well-known com­posers born in the last 30 years of the 18th Cen­tu­ry. And at 12 noon and 4pm Pacific/Second Life Time, there’s anoth­er chance to hear the lat­est episode of our orig­i­nal series on things to do and places to vis­it around the Sec­ond Life Grid — “Where Have You Been?This time we vis­it a bril­liant Juras­sic Park trib­ute. Plus don’t miss “The Engines of Our Inge­nu­ity” every four hours from 4am Pacific.

Light Classical Music …and more

Sat­ur­day, Feb­ru­ary 19th: today on Vir­tu­al Com­mu­ni­ty Radio, we’re pleased to present a pro­gramme of light clas­si­cal music, one of our core genres.

The pro­gramme fea­tures a wide range of both artists and com­posers, some well-known and some, per­haps, who are sel­dom heard. Lis­ten out for the likes of Tom­lin­son, Ketel­bey, Alwyn, Gun­ning and Addin­sell, for exam­ple, to name but a few, and enjoy a day of tune­ful, often relax­ing orches­tral music.

From Classical to Romantic

Today we explore a lit­tle of the music writ­ten at the bor­ders of the Clas­si­cal and Roman­tic eras, focus­ing on the work of some well-known com­posers born in the last 30 years of the 18th Cen­tu­ry. It’s also time for a new episode of our Sec­ond Life trav­el series, “Where Have You Been?” — Episode 18, which vis­its Snowy Riv­er Hal­loween — Pirate Vil­lage and Pine Val­ley Haunt­ed Cav­erns (see sep­a­rate entry).

His­tor­i­cal­ly, the term ‘clas­si­cal music’ refers specif­i­cal­ly to the musi­cal peri­od from 1750 to 1820. The tran­si­tion from the clas­si­cal peri­od of West­ern art music, which last­ed around 1750 to 1820, to Roman­tic music, which last­ed around 1815 to 1910, took place in the eigh­teenth and nine­teenth cen­turies. Com­posers began tran­si­tion­ing their com­po­si­tion­al and melod­ic tech­niques into a new musi­cal form which became known as the Roman­tic Era or Roman­ti­cism due to the imple­men­ta­tion of lyri­cal melodies as opposed to the lin­ear com­po­si­tion­al style of Clas­si­cal music.

Light Classical Music …and more

Sat­ur­day, Sep­tem­ber 25th: today on Vir­tu­al Com­mu­ni­ty Radio, we’re pleased to present a pro­gramme of light clas­si­cal music, one of our core genres.

The pro­gramme fea­tures a wide range of both artists and com­posers, some well-known and some, per­haps, who are sel­dom heard. Lis­ten out for the likes of Tom­lin­son, Ketel­bey, Alwyn, Gun­ning and Addin­sell, for exam­ple, to name but a few, and enjoy a day of tune­ful, often relax­ing orches­tral music.

Saturday At The Movies

Today, join us for a pro­gramme of music from the movies, today fea­tur­ing the music of Ennio Mor­ri­cone.

Movies are where most peo­ple today hear orches­tral music, and there will be plen­ty of that today. But movie music is a much broad­er field than that, and today you’ll hear music from the movies of many dif­fer­ent kinds, from the very start of the genre (with Camille Saint-Saens) to the lat­est block­busters; from orches­tral music to rock, to Fifties songs. There is a slight bias towards fan­ta­sy and SF movies, but nev­er mind, we all need a bit of an escape these days.…