Tag Archives: 21st Birthday

Where Have You Been? — Live at SL21B

On Wednes­day 26th June, we broad­cast the first of two spe­cial live edi­tions of our orig­i­nal series, “Where Have You Been?”, which fea­tures things to do and places to vis­it around the Sec­ond Life Grid.

This show will be repeat­ed on Wednes­days and Sat­ur­days at 12 noon and 4pm SLT/Pacific Time until our sec­ond and final live show from SL21B on Wednes­day 10th July.

One of our favourite things about the Com­mu­ni­ty Show­case is how clear­ly it dis­plays the wide vari­ety of com­mu­ni­ties that thrive in Sec­ond Life. On six­teen gen­er­al show­case regions you can find seem­ing­ly end­less types of com­mu­ni­ties and res­i­dent activ­i­ties from art, to edu­ca­tion, role-play, and all sorts of com­mu­ni­ties that form around shared inter­ests. With this year’s cel­e­bra­tion theme of “The Ele­ments” the com­mu­ni­ty show­case is a great place to see so much of what Sec­ond Life is real­ly all about.

So, what’s the best way to see it all?  Well, to begin with you prob­a­bly won’t be able to see it all. Though with SLB stay­ing open for a month this year, chances are you can see much more of it, and attend many more events than in past years. But there is real­ly no per­fect way to explore the Show­case except to just get out there and do it.

SL21B Com­mu­ni­ty Show­case – Full Exhib­it List second.life/sl21bexhibits

In this episode we fea­ture some exhibits in the south­ern por­tion of the show­case con­ti­nent that fea­ture blends of art and sci­ence. We’ll be doing a sec­ond live show on July 10th, at the VCRa­dio show­case exhib­it where we’ll be fea­tur­ing a whole dif­fer­ent set of show­case des­ti­na­tions, from dif­fer­ent areas of the continent.

The places dis­cussed in this episode include:


Vir­tu­al Com­mu­ni­ty Radio – Ele­ments of Music

Saudade by Raven­starr Fairelander

Inspire Space Park – an SL classic!

The Inter­na­tion­al Space­flight Muse­um – Kat Lemieux

Hap­py Birth­day to SL from Chem­istry World

The Peri­od­ic Ele­ments ~ SLRan­dom ArtCrew