Welcome to Haunted Hollow…
We are very pleased to have collaborated in a small way with our friends and sponsors Seanchai Library and Elite Equestrian in a special seasonal region you can visit only during the month of October, up to and including Hallowe’en.
HAUNTED HOLLOW: an All Hallows Experience
Presented by Elite Equestrian, Seanchai Library, Tarot @ Teatime, and Virtual Community Radio
October 7 — 31 on Chestnut Hills in Second Life.
“Once Upon a Time there was an Enchanted Hollow under the glow of the Hunter’s Moon. It was there that tales gathered: tales of struggle and virtue, of light and looming darkness. They settled in as cooling breezes whirled the falling leaves, nestling between the autumnal heights and that place where the brook waters blend with the salty sea. Some thrive, some expire, and some twist themselves just a little.”
Haunted Hollow features stories, music, live trick or treat, hunts, pony rides, and a region of fun to explore.
Take the rambler tours (aerial or ground based) of the Hollow, or stop by for one of the trick or treat events hosted by Elite Equestrian. Join Seanchai Library as they present hours of stories for the season, including an encore presentation of Ray Bradbury’s The Halloween Tree. Explore the caves and discover video screening spots. **Please set your environment to shared for best effects**
- Not one, not two, but THREE treasure hunts
- Pony rides with adorable free gifts
- Participating in Free Bird’s annual live trick or treat event
- Presentation of author Roger Zelazny’s “A Night in the Lonesome October”
- Ray Bradbury’s “The Halloween Tree”
- Special story sessions, and “A Grimm Brothers Halloween” on the day itself
- Two Live Tarot@Teatime episodes
- Live Tarot Readings
- Three viewing rooms to stop and watch short films on the theme of death and transition.
- Music events, and more!
Check out the schedule of events at the Main Landing Point, then check back often as the month of spookable doings continues.
Here’s your ghostly carriage…
You can also check out our Google Calendar for updated events: https://tinyurl.com/3p3n5pu5
Haunted Hollow is presented by:
Elite Equestrian — https://ladiespleasure.wordpress.com/
Seanchai Library — https://www.seanchailibrary.com
Virtual Community Radio — https://vcradio.org/
With special thanks to Dagmar Kohime for the soundscaping; Rick Qargen for additional music; Willow Moonfire for the gypsy encampment and magick shoppe; and Sillve Resident for the witch’s kitchen and boot.