Jack Flanders in Dreams of Tiffany Blue

Tune in on Friday for the latest episode of our exciting 12-part radio serial from our friends at ZBS Foundation: “Dreams of Tiffany Blue” - at noon or 4pm Pacific/SLT every Friday! In which Jack encounters a shape-shifter…
Now read on…
JACK FLANDERS IN… Dreams of Tiffany Blue
In Belize, Jack Flanders meets Friedrich, the owner of a bar called Fat Freddy’s. Jack knew his brother Klaus back in Rio de Janeiro. Shortly before Klaus died he sent Friedrich a blue crystal stone along with a note, “Hear this for me.”
Later, when Jack and Mojo are talking to Lindz, a waitress at Fat Freddy’s, she suggests, “Why not build a crystal radio receiver?” They do, and begin to pick up music that sounds ancient and alien. Listening late one night, Jack hears a woman’s voice accusing him, “You! You!”
He begins to have disturbing dreams, being lost in a jungle, coming upon a moonlit Mayan temple covered with black orchids. At the top of the pyramid is a gigantic stone jaguar. He later discovers the Jaguar Temple does exist.
That night, while camped at the base of the pyramid, he once again dreams of the mysterious woman who takes him by the hand and leads him down into the depths of the temple.
Illustration by Jaye Oliver
Here’s an audio sample:
For fans of radio drama and exotic metaphysical mysteries. 12 approximately ten-minute episodes.
Tune in at http://main.vcradio.org — or on your smart speaker, “Play Virtual Community Radio!”
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