Where Have You Been? — A New Season

We’re pleased to announce the start of the third series of our original programme, “Where Have You Been?”, where we discuss places to visit and things to do around the Second Life grid — and we try to ensure they’re usually things and places that the major commentators miss.
“WYB” airs every Wednesday and Saturday at 12 noon and 4pm Pacific / SLT, and each episode is broadcast over a couple of weeks. And don’t miss “Engines of Our Ingenuity” from the University of Houston, every four hours from 4am Pacific.
Our destinations generally fall into one of three categories: Art, Exploration and Events. In the first episode of the new season, it’s the first of those, as we take a trip over to GBTH, aka “Grab By The Horns” — a virtual visual arts incubator in Second Life, founded in October 2017 by Marina Münter.
GBTH nurtures a wide variety of artistic formats from the virtual world of art as found in Second Life. It’s located on a Full 30K region which is divided into parcels for better control of environment settings and landing points to support the individual art installations and elements of the island.
We also take a look at Münter’s own exhibition, “Non-Perishable”, which consists of ready-made objects assembled in a way that explores colour associations and the emotional connections that people make with objects.
GBTH is also a part of the Community Gateway Program, which allows communities or groups the opportunity to assist new residents in beginning their journey into Second Life, and lend a guiding hand in the creation of their new avatar personas.
GBTH (Moderate) http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/GBTH/17/89/35
GBTH Website https://gbth.org/
About Linden Labs Community Gateway Program: