The Magic of The Musical Episode 04: “A New Vision”

The Mag­ic of The Musi­cal, Episode 04 “A New Vision”
… fea­tur­ing the life and works of Oscar Ham­mer­stein II. Join us at the VCRa­dio The­ater on Chest­nut Hills in #Sec­ondlife at 2pm pacific/slt on Sat­ur­day, July 16, or tune in and lis­ten to the show live on Vir­tu­al Com­mu­ni­ty Radio.

The Mag­ic of The Musi­cal explores the blend­ing of music and dra­ma — fea­tur­ing the songs, his­to­ry, and lore that make up the musi­cal the­ater canon. Learn more about some of your favorite shows and com­posers as we cue the orches­tra, and the over­ture begins.

In keep­ing with today’s show, “On Broad­way!” is our Fea­tured Music theme through the day. And don’t miss the lat­est episode of Where Have You Been? which this time vis­its the Uni­ty Project at Rain­bow Painters Gallery, and Engines of Our Inge­nu­ity every four hours from 4am Pacific.

*This show is now avail­able on Mixcloud


Among the sources used for: The Magic of The Musical, 

Episode 04 “A New Vision”

Get­ting to Know Him: A Biog­ra­phy of Oscar Ham­mer­stein II by Hugh Fordin (De Capo Press Edi­tion 1995)

The Word­smiths: Oscar Ham­mer­stein 2nd and Alan Jay Lerner by Stephen Cit­ron (Oxford Uni­ver­si­ty Press 1995)

Also Referenced

James Bald­win “On the Hori­zon: Life Straight in De Eye
The Let­ters of Oscar Ham­mer­stein II by Mark Eden Horowitz
Oh, what a beau­ti­ful archive: Oscar Ham­mer­stein’s let­ters reveal his many sides

Nation­al Pub­lic Radio, By Bob Modello

Videos of Interest

You’ve Got to be Care­ful­ly Taught — Two Interpretations
John Kerr in the 1958 film version
Har­ry Con­nick, Jr in the 2001 tele­vi­sion version

There Is Noth­ing Like a Dame — Cho­rus with Character
From the 1958 film version

The Mike Wal­lace Inter­view — Oscar Ham­mer­stein II — March 15, 1958

 Inter­view with libret­tist Oscar Ham­mer­stein II – Inter­viewed by Tony Thomas, Jan­u­ary 28th, 1960
