New shows added to Mixcloud

We’ve just uploaded two addi­tion­al shows to our Mix­cloud pro­file, where you can “lis­ten again” to our orig­i­nal series episodes that you may have missed.

On this occa­sion, we’ve added Episode 16 of “Where Have You Been?”, our series on things to do and places to see in the Sec­ond Life vir­tu­al world, and Episode 15 of our pop­u­lar show on the Tarot, “Tarot @ Tea Time”.

Episode 15 of “Tarot @ Tea Time” dis­cuss­es rit­u­als, jour­nal­ing, and med­i­ta­tions.
Hon­ey and Wil­low present a vari­ety of sug­ges­tions about Tarot rit­u­als, jour­nal­ing tech­niques, and dif­fer­ent types of Tarot med­i­ta­tions. All of these activ­i­ties can deep­en and enrich your per­son­al Tarot prac­tice. The dis­cus­sion is fol­lowed by an expla­na­tion of and sam­ple read­ing with the six card Pyra­mid Spread.

Episode 16 of “Where Have You Been?” vis­its The Restau­rant At The End Of The Uni­verse, inspired by Mil­li­ways, said restau­rant in Dou­glas Adams’ mul­ti-part hilar­i­ty, The Hitch-hiker’s Guide to the Galaxy (aka H2G2).