Three New Shows on Mixcloud

We’re pleased to announce the addi­tion of three new pro­grammes to our Mix­cloud “Lis­ten Again” facil­i­ty. Lis­ten to them now at

Where’ve You Been” Episode 11 fea­tures the amaz­ing Arca­di­an Rap­ture Remas­tered - an incred­i­ble cyber-deco shop­ping mall in Sec­ond Life.

Tarot @ Teatime” Episode 9 dis­cuss­es how agency, func­tion, and con­text influ­ence the inter­pre­ta­tion of cards in a read­ing.  A spread of three cards is read to address two dif­fer­ent issues to demon­strate the impor­tance of context.

Tarot @ Teatime” Episode 10 looks at The Major Arcana and var­i­ous way of think­ing about these twen­ty-two cards as a group. We dis­cuss the notion of The Fool’s Jour­ney, Jun­gian Arche­types, and the Major Arcana as a depic­tion of the inter­play between order and chaos.

Note that Mix­cloud some­times inter­prets a short pro­gramme as con­tain­ing a sin­gle song, which their music licens­ing does not per­mit. As a result, the lat­est edi­tion of “Where…” some­times dis­ap­pears until we let them know that it’s a spo­ken word programme.