Monthly Archives: April 2021

Celtic Moods

Today’s pro­gramme looks at the expan­sion of Celtic music and themes into sev­er­al dif­fer­ent gen­res of mod­ern music.

Here we are fea­tur­ing musi­cians and music that start from the Celtic tra­di­tion and take it for­ward into oth­er realms, from Joanie Mad­den to Mendelssohn to Ger­al­do and his Orches­tra; from thun­der­ous­ly spec­tac­u­lar orches­tral arrange­ments (you’ll hear sev­er­al of those today) in the wake of River­dance, to inspir­ing music for a small Celtic ensem­ble and organ, played in the largest Goth­ic space in the world.

The Black Mass 9: Esmé by H H Munro (Saki)

Join us on Fri­day at a lit­tle after 12 noon or 4pm Pacif­ic time for anoth­er episode in the land­mark radio dra­ma series The Black Mass, cre­at­ed by the late Erik Bauers­feld and his col­leagues at the Paci­fi­ca radio sta­tion KPFA in Berke­ley, Cal­i­for­nia, over fifty years ago. In 30 chill­ing tales of mys­tery, imag­i­na­tion and the human mind, The Black Mass brings you some of literature’s most haunt­ing sto­ries, by mas­ters of the craft — many of whom are best-known in oth­er fields.

Note that the episode will not start until the track play­ing at the top of the hour has fin­ished, so the actu­al start time of the episode will be a few min­utes after the hour.

Today: 9 — “Esmé” by H H Munro (Saki)

Tarot @ Teatime — Episode 4

Thurs­day 15 April begins the fourth part of our twice-month­ly series on the Tarot, Tarot @ Teatime, with Wil­low Moon­fire and Hon­ey Heart. The show airs on Thurs­days and Sun­days at 12 noon and 4pm Pacif­ic Time, and a new episode is released every two weeks.

Episode 4 cov­ers Part Two of The Four Ele­ments.  We present qual­i­ties and key­words asso­ci­at­ed the ele­ments of Air and Earth, which are rep­re­sent­ed by the suits of Swords and the suit of Pentacles.

The pri­ma­ry resource men­tioned is the Rid­er Waite Smith Tarot deck.  It is avail­able from the pub­lish­er, US Games Sys­tems, Inc. and numer­ous book­stores and online book sellers.


Anthems In Eden: The Journey from Folk into Rock

Today we  look at the pro­gres­sion from folk into rock in the UK in the 1960s and 1970s. In addi­tion, we pre­miere the lat­est edi­tion of Where’ve You Been?, where we dis­cov­er things to do and places to see around the Sec­ond Life Grid. For more details of the lat­ter, click here.

“Where’ve You Been?” Visits the Birdlight Cinema

At 12 noon and 4pm Pacif­ic Time on Wednes­day and Sat­ur­day, tune in for Episode 6 of “Where’ve You Been?” — our twice-month­ly series on things to do and places to see on the Sec­ond Life Grid, with Cale­do­nia Sky­tow­er and Elrik Mer­lin. In this episode we dis­cov­er a unique minia­ture movie the­atre where you can watch a full pro­gramme of short films, many award-winning.

Flo­ra Sper­ling lives in Ger­many, and brings her love of cin­e­ma and imag­i­na­tion to her two cin­e­mas in Sec­ond Life: Bird­light and Bir­dolu­moj.  The venues present twin pro­grams from the best of short ani­ma­tion fea­tures, chang­ing every fortnight.

Saturday At The Movies

Today, join us for a pro­gramme of music from the movies.

Movies are where most peo­ple today hear orches­tral music, and there will be plen­ty of that today. But movie music is a much broad­er field than that, and today you’ll hear music from the movies of many dif­fer­ent kinds, from the very start of the genre (with Camille Saint-Saens) to the lat­est block­busters; from orches­tral music to rock, to Fifties songs. There is a slight bias towards fan­ta­sy and SF movies, but nev­er mind, we all need a bit of an escape these days.…

In addi­tion, tune in at noon or 4pm Pacif­ic Time to hear the lat­est edi­tion of Where’ve You Been?, our look at places to vis­it and things to see around the Sec­ond Life grid, and every four hours from 4am Pacif­ic, lis­ten out for The Engines of Our Inge­nu­ity, from the Uni­ver­si­ty of Hous­ton — about the machines that make our civ­i­liza­tion run, and the peo­ple whose inge­nu­ity cre­at­ed them.

The Black Mass 8: Diary of a Madman by Nikolai Gogol

Join us on Fri­day 9th April at a lit­tle after 12 noon or 4pm Pacif­ic time for anoth­er episode in the land­mark radio dra­ma series The Black Mass, cre­at­ed by the late Erik Bauers­feld and his col­leagues at the Paci­fi­ca radio sta­tion KPFA in Berke­ley, Cal­i­for­nia, over fifty years ago. In 30 chill­ing tales of mys­tery, imag­i­na­tion and the human mind, The Black Mass brings you some of literature’s most haunt­ing sto­ries, by mas­ters of the craft — many of whom are best-known in oth­er fields.

Note that the episode will not start until the track play­ing at the top of the hour has fin­ished, so the actu­al start time of the episode will be a few min­utes after the hour.

Today: Diary of a Mad­man by Niko­lai Gogol


Today’s pro­gramme fea­tures mem­bers of the wood­wind fam­i­ly — oboe, clar­inet, flute, bas­soon, recorder and more, includ­ing the gamut of Ear­ly Music wood­winds like the shawn (the pre­de­ces­sor of the oboe), cur­tal (a pro­­to-bas­­soon) and crumhorn.

Of course, the major­i­ty of orches­tral music includes a wood­wind sec­tion, so the cri­te­ri­on for inclu­sion in today’s show was that a mem­ber of the wood­wind fam­i­ly is the lead instru­ment — a “wind band” is not suf­fi­cient (and they’re gen­er­al­ly usu­al­ly brass-heavy any­way), but a con­cer­to for bas­soon (yes there is at least one) counts.

Music of the Baroque

Today, Sat­ur­day April 3rd, we explore the music of the Baroque era. We’ll be includ­ing the work of a wide range of com­posers. Many will be famil­iar; oth­er per­haps less so; or they may have writ­ten pieces that we know well but have no idea of who com­posed them — for exam­ple Eng­lish com­pos­er Thomas Arne, who wrote Rule Bri­tan­nia but also a range of oth­er pieces which deserve more inter­est than is usu­al­ly paid to them.

Then at 12 noon and 4pm Pacif­ic, join us for Episode 5 of “Where’ve You Been?”, our twice-month­ly show on places to vis­it and things to do around the Sec­ond Life Grid. In this episode we vis­it Zamo­nia and you can find the details here. And every four hours from 4am Pacif­ic, tune in for “The Engines of Our Inge­nu­ity”, from the Uni­ver­si­ty of Hous­ton, about the machines that make our civ­i­liza­tion run and the peo­ple whose inge­nu­ity cre­at­ed them.

The Black Mass 7: An Evening’s Entertainment by M R James

Join us on Fri­day at a lit­tle after 12 noon or 4pm Pacif­ic time for anoth­er episode in the land­mark radio dra­ma series The Black Mass, cre­at­ed by the late Erik Bauers­feld and his col­leagues at the Paci­fi­ca radio sta­tion KPFA in Berke­ley, Cal­i­for­nia, over fifty years ago. In 30 chill­ing tales of mys­tery, imag­i­na­tion and the human mind, The Black Mass brings you some of literature’s most haunt­ing sto­ries, by mas­ters of the craft — many of whom are best-known in oth­er fields.

Note that the episode will not start until the track play­ing at the top of the hour has fin­ished, so the actu­al start time of the episode will be a few min­utes after the hour.

Today: An Evening’s Enter­tain­ment by M R James