Building a Virtual Home

We are cur­rent­ly in the process of build­ing a head­quar­ters loca­tion in Sec­ond Life as a base for our oper­a­tions in-world. The “VCR The­atre” is being brought togeth­er by Hon­ey Heart and will be com­plet­ed soon.

It takes the form of an Art Deco the­atre, with a stage, seat­ing that can be over­laid for danc­ing, and a broad­cast stu­dio. In addi­tion it will house admin­is­tra­tive func­tions like the devices that will han­dle spon­sor­ship pay­ments and renewals to make that oper­a­tion as smooth as possible.

We are also intend­ing to hold live read­ings and oth­er per­for­mances as well as dances and oth­er activ­i­ties in the audi­to­ri­um. Here are a few pic­tures — though bear in mind that the build is not yet finished.

VCR Theatre FoyerThe foy­er of the VCR The­atreVCR Theatre - View of the stage A view of the stage from the back of the audi­to­ri­um VCR Theatre broadcast studio The broad­cast studio