Tag Archives: soundtrack

Saturday At The Movies

Today, join us for a pro­gramme of music from movie and TV sound­tracks — and now we’re includ­ing some gam­ing sound­tracks, which have become as sophis­ti­cat­ed as movie scores in recent years and include some of the same composers.

Movies are where most peo­ple hear orches­tral music these days, and there will be plen­ty of that in this pro­gramme. But movie music is a much broad­er field than that, and today you’ll hear music from the movies of many dif­fer­ent kinds, from the very start of the genre (with Camille Saint-Saens) to the lat­est block­busters; from orches­tral music to rock, to Fifties songs. There is a slight bias towards fan­ta­sy and SF movies, but nev­er mind, we all need a bit of an escape these days.…

Saturday At The Movies

Today, join us for a pro­gramme of music from movie and TV sound­tracks — and now we’re includ­ing some gam­ing sound­tracks, which have become as sophis­ti­cat­ed as movie scores in recent years and include some of the same composers.

Movies are where most peo­ple hear orches­tral music these days, and there will be plen­ty of that in this pro­gramme. But movie music is a much broad­er field than that, and today you’ll hear music from the movies of many dif­fer­ent kinds, from the very start of the genre (with Camille Saint-Saens) to the lat­est block­busters; from orches­tral music to rock, to Fifties songs. There is a slight bias towards fan­ta­sy and SF movies, but nev­er mind, we all need a bit of an escape these days.…

Saturday At The Movies

Today, join us for a pro­gramme of music from the movies, today fea­tur­ing the music of Christo­pher Gun­ning, who sad­ly passed away recent­ly. Best known for his music for Agatha Christie’s Poirot, he was a pro­lif­ic com­pos­er who wrote a dozen sym­phonies as well as numer­ous film and TV sound­tracks. For more on his life and work, vis­it his web site.

Movies are where most peo­ple hear orches­tral music these days, and there will be plen­ty of that in this pro­gramme. But movie music is a much broad­er field than that, and today you’ll hear music from the movies of many dif­fer­ent kinds, from the very start of the genre (with Camille Saint-Saens) to the lat­est block­busters; from orches­tral music to rock, to Fifties songs. There is a slight bias towards fan­ta­sy and SF movies, but nev­er mind, we all need a bit of an escape these days.…

The Magic of The Musical: “Musicals for the Win!”

The Mag­ic of The Musi­cal explores the blend­ing of music and dra­ma — fea­tur­ing the songs, his­to­ry, and lore that make up the musi­cal the­ater canon. Learn more about some of your favorite shows and com­posers as we cue the orches­tra, and the over­ture begins.

This show is now avail­able on Mixcloud

This mon­th’s episode fea­tures musi­cals that have been  hon­ored with the Pul­tiz­er Prize for Dra­ma.  The Dra­ma cat­e­go­ry of this pres­ti­gious award rec­og­nizes a dis­tin­guished play by an Amer­i­can author, prefer­ably orig­i­nal in its source and deal­ing with Amer­i­can life. It is an impres­sive list that includes every­thing from Gersh­win to Steven Sond­heim, to Lin-Manuel Miran­da.  The list fas­ci­nates as much for what is miss­ing from it as the shows that were honored.

Today Host Cale­do­nia Sky­tow­er explores the list with a few side trips. Join us today: Sat­ur­day, Novem­ber 19th at 2pm pacif­ic at the Vir­tu­al Com­mu­ni­ty Radio The­ater on Chest­nut Hills, or tune in to lis­ten on-the-air, for The Mag­ic Of The Musi­cal:

SLURL: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Chestnut%20Hills/124/89/3804

It’s the MOST — Music from the Original Sound Track — Episode 13

This episode is now avail­able on Mixcloud.

Plan­ning a heist? How about a mur­der? Attend­ing a love-in? Or is your bik­er gang plan­ning an out­ing? Have we got the show for you!

Join your host Susan­nah, on Sat­ur­day Novem­ber 5th, at 12:30pm or 4:30pm Pacific/SLT for the final show in our series, The MOST – Music from the Orig­i­nal Sound Track. Ded­i­cat­ed to crime, spy, sus­pense, exploita­tion, and psy­che­del­ic movie and tele­vi­sion sound­tracks from the 50s, the 60s and beyond, The MOST is the best accom­pa­ni­ment for all your police-blot­ter high-jinks.

It’s the MOST — Music from the Original Sound Track — Episode 12

This show is now avail­able on Mix­cloud: click here!

Plan­ning a heist? How about a mur­der? Attend­ing a love-in? Or is your bik­er gang plan­ning an out­ing? Have we got the show for you!

Join your host Susan­nah, on Sat­ur­day Octo­ber 1st, at 12:30pm or 4:30pm Pacific/SLT – that’s 8:30pm or half past mid­night in the UK – for the penul­ti­mate show in our month­ly series, The MOST – Music from the Orig­i­nal Sound Track. Ded­i­cat­ed to crime, spy, sus­pense, exploita­tion, and psy­che­del­ic movie and tele­vi­sion sound­tracks from the 50s, the 60s and beyond, The MOST is the best accom­pa­ni­ment for all your police-blot­ter high-jinks. PLUS… “Where Have You Been?” goes under­ground in Rose­haven, “Engines of Our Inge­nu­ity” every 4 hours, and much more!

It’s the MOST — Music from the Original Sound Track — Episode 11

*This show is now avail­able on MixCloud.

Plan­ning a heist? How about a mur­der? Attend­ing a love-in? Or is your bik­er gang plan­ning an out­ing? Have we got the show for you!

Join your host Susan­nah, on Sat­ur­day Sep­tem­ber 3rd, at 12:30pm and 4:30pm Pacific/SLT – that’s 8:30pm and half past mid­night in the UK – for the 11th show in our month­ly series, The MOST – Music from the Orig­i­nal Sound Track. Ded­i­cat­ed to crime, spy, sus­pense, exploita­tion, and psy­che­del­ic movie and tele­vi­sion sound­tracks from the 50s, the 60s and beyond, The MOST is the best accom­pa­ni­ment for all your police-blot­ter high-jinks. PLUS… “Where Have You Been?” takes a pre-Hal­lowe’en trip, “Engines of Our Inge­nu­ity” every 4 hours, and much more!

It’s the MOST — Music from the Original Sound Track — Episode 10

Plan­ning a heist? How about a mur­der? Attend­ing a love-in? Or is your bik­er gang plan­ning an out­ing? Have we got the show for you!

Join your host Susan­nah, on Sat­ur­day August 6th, at 12:30pm and 4:30pm Pacific/SLT – that’s 8:30pm and half past mid­night in the UK – for the tenth show in our month­ly series, The MOST – Music from the Orig­i­nal Sound Track. Ded­i­cat­ed to crime, spy, sus­pense, exploita­tion, and psy­che­del­ic movie and tele­vi­sion sound­tracks from the 50s, the 60s and beyond, The MOST is the best accom­pa­ni­ment for all your police-blot­ter high-jinks. PLUS…  “Where Have You Been?” at noon and 4pm SLT vis­its a Hel­lo Kit­ty trib­ute; “Engines of Our Inge­nu­ity” every 4 hours; and much more!

It’s the MOST — Music from the Original Sound Track — Episode 8

Plan­ning a heist? How about a mur­der? Attend­ing a love-in? Or is your bik­er gang plan­ning an out­ing? Have we got the show for you!

Join your host Susan­nah, on Sat­ur­day June 4th, at 12:30pm and 4:30pm Pacific/SLT – that’s 8:30pm and half past mid­night in the UK – for the eighth show in our month­ly series, The MOST – Music from the Orig­i­nal Sound Track. Ded­i­cat­ed to crime, spy, sus­pense, exploita­tion, and psy­che­del­ic movie and tele­vi­sion sound­tracks from the 50s, the 60s and beyond, The MOST is the best accom­pa­ni­ment for all your police-blot­ter high-jinks. PLUS… Free Tarot Read­ings in SL, “Where Have You Been?” goes on a pil­grim­age, “Engines of Our Inge­nu­ity” every 4 hours, and much more!

It’s the MOST — Music from the Original Sound Track — Episode 7

Plan­ning a heist? How about a mur­der? Attend­ing a love-in? Or is your bik­er gang plan­ning an out­ing? Have we got the show for you!

Join your host Susan­nah, on Sat­ur­day May 7th, at 12:30pm and 4:30pm Pacific/SLT – that’s 8:30pm and half past mid­night in the UK – for the sixth show in our month­ly series, The MOST – Music from the Orig­i­nal Sound Track. Ded­i­cat­ed to crime, spy, sus­pense, exploita­tion, and psy­che­del­ic movie and tele­vi­sion sound­tracks from the 50s, the 60s and beyond, The MOST is the best accom­pa­ni­ment for all your police-blot­ter high-jinks.