Tag Archives: SL

“Where’ve You Been?” Visits Zamonia

At 12 noon and 4pm Pacif­ic Time on Wednes­day and Sat­ur­day, tune in for Episode 5 of “Where’ve You Been?” — our twice-month­ly series on things to do and places to see on the Sec­ond Life Grid, with Cale­do­nia Sky­tow­er and Elrik Mer­lin. In this episode we vis­it Zamo­nia, includ­ing the Val­ley of the Pon­der­ing Eggs, the Hid­den Lake, some cat­a­combs absolute­ly stuffed with books! — and much more.

Zamo­nia: The Val­ley of Pon­der­ing Eggs … From there you can take the por­tal to the Hid­den Lake and Zamo­nia Catacombs.

SL Group:

Friends of Zamo­nia flickr group:

Additional Shows on Mixcloud

We’ve just added two shows to our page on Mix­cloud, which is our “Lis­ten Again” service.

Episode 4 of Where’ve You Been - our twice-month­ly show on places to go and things to see in Sec­ond Life — is up pri­mar­i­ly for com­plete­ness as the shows it describes are now over, but you also have an oppor­tu­ni­ty to lis­ten to Episode 02 of Tarot @ Teatime, our pop­u­lar series on the Tarot.

You can find these shows — and our oth­er “Lis­ten Again” con­tent — on our Pro­file page at Mix­cloud.

Virtual Community Radio Is On The Air — Saturday Feb 6

The tests are com­plete, the stream is on the air, and it’s time to offi­cial­ly launch the station!

We’d like to extend a warm invi­ta­tion to Sec­ond Life res­i­dents to join Vir­tu­al Com­mu­ni­ty Radio at our Grand Open­ing Ball in our fab­u­lous art deco the­atre on the Chest­nut Hills region, on Sat­ur­day Feb­ru­ary 6th at 2pm Pacif­ic Time (22:00 GMT), as we offi­cial­ly launch the sta­tion. Come in for­mal dress and enjoy a pro­gramme of 90 min­utes of waltzes, fox­trots and some rather more live­ly dances in a broad­ly Light Clas­si­cal vein, pre­sent­ed in liv­ing stereo­phon­ic sound by DJ Cale­do­nia Skytower.

New Series: Where’ve You Been?

Join Cale­do­nia Sky­tow­er and Elrik Mer­lin on Wednes­days and Sat­ur­days at 12 noon and 4pm Pacific/Second Life Time (8pm and mid­night GMT) for Where’ve You Been?  — our new series that goes out and about in Sec­ond Life, find­ing inter­est­ing places to vis­it and fun things to do.

We’ll usu­al­ly cov­er one attrac­tion in a show, but as this is the very first episode, we’re cov­er­ing two! There’ll be a new episode every cou­ple of weeks.

Note that episodes will not start until the track play­ing at the top of the hour has fin­ished, so the actu­al start time of the episode may be a few min­utes after the hour.