Tag Archives: Light Programme
The Light Programme

Saturday January 28th, and today we make a foray into the world of Light Music, one of our staple genres here on VCRadio.
We can think of Light Music as filling a gap between out-and-out classical music, and the exceptional quality music production library and film music of the 1940s-50s — the latter also featuring from time to time on The Light Programme. It’s a continuum with perhaps Sullivan at one end, and maybe Coates at the other – though it’s difficult to define boundaries. In between are composers like Addinsell, Alwyn, Ketelbey, Tomlinson, Binge, Lane and others, and it’s their music that we’ll be featuring today. What these pieces and composers have in common, is a “classical” approach to melodic music. Their work is full of great tunes, and it utilises orchestral forces with as much aplomb as any classical composer. But in general (though not always), the music is a little lighter in tone and feel.
The Light Programme

Saturday May 28th, and today we make a foray into the world of Light Music, one of our staple genres here on VCRadio.
We can think of Light Music as filling a gap between out-and-out classical music, and the exceptional quality music production library and film music of the 1940s-50s — the latter also featuring from time to time on The Light Programme. It’s a continuum with perhaps Sullivan at one end, and maybe Coates at the other – though it’s difficult to define boundaries. In between are composers like Addinsell, Alwyn, Ketelbey, Tomlinson, Binge, Lane and others, and it’s their music that we’ll be featuring today. What these pieces and composers have in common, is a “classical” approach to melodic music. Their work is full of great tunes, and it utilises orchestral forces with as much aplomb as any classical composer. But in general (though not always), the music is a little lighter in tone and feel.