Tag Archives: christmas

Christmas on the Musical Theater Stage

Sat­ur­day, Decem­ber 21st sees the repeat of a sea­son­al episode of our orig­i­nal series, “The Mag­ic Of The Musi­cal” with your host Cale­do­nia Sky­tow­er, at 2pm Pacif­ic Time/SLT.

This month the theme is “Christ­mas on the Musi­cal The­ater Stage” and Cale­do­nia’s spe­cial guest is Chris Ser­face, Man­ag­ing Artis­tic Direc­tor of Taco­ma Lit­tle The­atre and Past Pres­i­dent of the Amer­i­can Asso­ci­a­tion of Com­mu­ni­ty The­atre.

Fea­tured music for the day con­sists of a touch of nos­tal­gia with an inter­leav­ing of sea­son­al tunes, and the lat­est edi­tion of our Sec­ond Life explo­ration show goes out at noon and 4pm SLT.

Special Programming on December 23rd

Join us on Sat­ur­day, Decem­ber 23rd, on Vir­tu­al Com­mu­ni­ty Radio, for an after­noon of spe­cial sea­son­al pro­gram­ming. All times are SLT/Pacific, and all events will be on our Main Stream:

At 12:30pm and 4:30 pm SLT, don’t miss the drama­tised read­ing of Charles Dick­ens’ novel­la, “A Christ­mas Car­ol” fea­tur­ing Shan­don Lor­ing, Elrik Mer­lin, and Cale­do­nia Skytower.

At 2pm SLT, enjoy the Hol­i­day Edi­tion (and sea­son finale) of our orig­i­nal series, “The Mag­ic of The Musi­cal”, live from The Dick­ens Project in Sec­ond Life. Host Cale­do­nia Sky­tow­er explores the songs, sto­ries, and the lore of the musi­cal the­ater stage. This month “What The Dick­ens?” fea­tures the great author’s works as adapt­ed for musi­cals. At the Opera House in the Dick­ens Project. This pro­gramme is now avail­able on Mixcloud.

Also on the air at 12 noon and 4pm SLT, we will be broad­cast­ing the sea­son­al episode and sea­son finale of our orig­i­nal series, “Where Have You Been?” where we dis­cov­er things to do and places to see around the Sec­ond Life Grid, plus The Engines of Our Inge­nu­ity from the Uni­ver­si­ty of Hous­ton, every four hours from 4am SLT.

Hap­py Hol­i­days from Vir­tu­al Com­mu­ni­ty Radio!

Tune in at http://main.vcradio.org — or ask your Alexa-com­pat­i­ble smart speak­er to “Play Vir­tu­al Com­mu­ni­ty Radio!” (You may need to install the Vir­tu­al Com­mu­ni­ty Radio Skill first).

Oth­er ways to lis­ten are detailed here.

Where Have You Been? Life in a Christmas Snow Globe

In the sea­son finale and 64th edi­tion of our bi-week­ly (ie each episode runs for about two weeks) series, “Where Have You Been?” — where we sug­gest places to go and things to do around the Sec­ond Life Grid — hosts Cale­do­nia Sky­tow­er and Elrik Mer­lin dis­cuss the remark­able, and fun, win­ter hol­i­day venue: Life in a Christ­mas Snow Globe!

Winter Hollow: a Winter Wonderland Experience

Join us for a beau­ti­ful ren­di­tion of Win­ter and the Win­ter hol­i­days in Win­ter Hol­low 2023, con­ceived by Hon­ey Heart, and pre­sent­ed by Vir­tu­al Com­mu­ni­ty Radio spon­sor Elite Eques­tri­an.

Take a 15-minute sleigh ride through the snowy coun­try­side, stop­ping off to skate, dance, or explore the many beau­ti­ful spaces through­out this exten­sive expe­ri­ence. Pause at hunt head­quar­ters in the Tree Farm, or try the pony ride to win a spe­cial Lim­it­ed Edi­tion of the Famous and Beloved Bay Rum Roy­al, exclu­sive to Win­ter Hol­low. Take a per­son­al sleigh from the Ride With Me expe­ri­ence to explore on your own.

The mag­ic of the sea­son is yours, but don’t delay — this build, like any snowflake, is unique and tran­sient and it dis­solves into the ether on Jan­u­ary 3rd.

Find Win­ter Hol­low 2023 in the Des­ti­na­tion Guide or fol­low the SLURL to the Wil­low Grove region to visit:

Merry Christmas from VCRadio

We would like to wish all our lis­ten­ers, spon­sors, sup­port­ers, friends and col­leagues a very Mer­ry Christ­mas and a safe, healthy and hap­py New Year.

Tune in today, Christ­mas Day, for a selec­tion of sea­son­al music across a vari­ety of genres.