Tag Archives: 100 word stories

The 100 Word Stories 16th Anniversary Podcast — Now on Mixcloud!

Long ago, R. Dis­man­tled swore an oath to write a 100 word sto­ry every day until the day he died. He’s not dead yet…

On Mon­day, May 31st,  Vir­tu­al Com­mu­ni­ty Radio joined R. Dis­man­tled and the 100 Word Sto­ry Pod­cast as we cel­e­brat­ed 16 years of “keep­ing it brief”, in Sean­chai Library’s Ceiluiradh Glen, with sto­ries and inter­views.  Live in Sec­ond Life, and live here on Vir­tu­al Com­mu­ni­ty Radio. We found out what “microfic­tion” and “Drab­ble” are, and how it’s done. We dis­cov­ered R. Dis­man­tled’s back­sto­ry. We cel­e­brat­ed the anniver­sary — and we heard some great, short, sto­ries — all sur­pris­ing­ly deep and some­times dark, too.

This spe­cial pro­gramme is now avail­able on Mix­cloud for those who missed it or would like to hear it again. Per­haps, as a result, you’ll try writ­ing microfic­tion your­self! Check out the week­ly chal­lenge here.


The 100 Word Stories Podcast “Sweet Sixteen”

Tune in to Vir­tu­al Com­mu­ni­ty Radio, on Mon­day May 31st at 2pm Pacif­ic / 10pm UK time, for a very spe­cial programme.

Long ago, R. Dis­man­tled swore an oath to write a 100 word sto­ry every day until the day he died. He’s not dead yet.