“Where’ve You Been?” Visits ‘once upon a time’
At 12 noon and 4pm Pacific Time on Wednesday and Saturday, tune in for Episode 7 of “Where’ve You Been?” — our twice-monthly series on things to do and places to see on the Second Life Grid, with Caledonia Skytower and Elrik Merlin. In this episode we visit once upon a time by Justice Vought — a place that mixes “The Land of the Giants” with “Honey, I Shrunk the Kids” in an experience that encourages exploration and requires an active sense of humor.
- Explore the kitchen where everything from the appliances to the table have something you can interact with.
- Explore the living room, where more than the furniture provide opportunities for comfort.
- Don’t get flushed in the bathroom, and be aware that more than just the toys are clickable in the children’s bedroom.
- and more …
Reminiscent of Rezzable’s “Greenies,” once upon a time is a terrific experience that you can explore, laced heavily with fun and imagination.
Start by landing on the keyboard at http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/River/63/131/1851
Then click the red lollipop*… and you’re on your own.
*The lollipop is just one of several (destination) options here!”